
It's G.A.S. list time!!!!!!!
(for those who don't know...Gear/Guitar Aquisition Syndrome)
i gotta have a freakin tele again, there's no point in resisting it anymore!!!
from : localhost/;rd=1
which looks just like my design!!! i can't believe it!!!

That Tele amp; Hamer Monaco are SWEET!!!

It's my duty
to hit that booty.

This new head is just what the Dr. ordered!!!along with this loaded with hellatone30/60

and i'll take one of these too!

and one of these!WOW! This is a GREAT thread.

Start saving your pennies, Hoss. You're going to need a lot of them

I'm about to bust a nut.

yeah...right now i'd just settle for a decent electric and a small combo amp?!

i really wish i hadn't sold all my stuff off!!! it's gonna take forever to replace!!!

I'm not familiar with the story; why did you sell all your stuff?

Originally Posted by Hossyeah...right now i'd just settle for a decent electric and a small combo amp?!
i really wish i hadn't sold all my stuff off!!! it's gonna take forever to replace!!!

Did you really sell all of your stuff?

all i have left is a tak acoustic and a amps of any kind (bass or guitar)

there's no real story...i've just been putting my wife through school and i've had to sell alot of stuff to pay the bills and stave off the wolves! she has graduated now, but has only been on her job for a month and won't make decent money until she's takes here certification test in november...and due to some other stuff i have some new bills to pay and blah, blah,'s just life...i'm not cryin about it right now, i've already done plenty of that...i'm just trying to have some patience and do a little dreaming...this place is great for stuff like that!

That's pretty harsh man. What kind of gear did you sell? Or is it too painful to recount?

Originally Posted by Hossall i have left is a tak acoustic and a amps of any kind (bass or guitar)

there's no real story...i've just been putting my wife through school and i've had to sell alot of stuff to pay the bills and stave off the wolves! she has graduated now, but has only been on her job for a month and won't make decent money until she's takes here certification test in november...and due to some other stuff i have some new bills to pay and blah, blah,'s just life...i'm not cryin about it right now, i've already done plenty of that...i'm just trying to have some patience and do a little dreaming...this place is great for stuff like that!

Man, you have a great attitude. I wish more people were like you, myself included. I'm sure with patience you will do fine.

let's the past couple of years i've had to sell...

SG bass
Ampeg bass amp
a few bass pedals
Fender bassman
ventura 12 string acoustic
50th anny usa tele dlx
tech 21 120
a few multifx guitar pedals
brian moore i1
Peavey halfstack

and i've come real close to selling my p-bass...but i keep rethinking that one...i love it way too much...and the tak will never ever be for sale ever!!!

but this thread is about G.A.S.!!!!! HELLOOOOO put up your poison here!!!Mike, what's that Traveler 50 thing you got there???

You know, that last taylor is same as mine, except mine isn't the jumbo (416), it's the grand auditorium (414, one step below shape-wise)... it's a freakin' tone-machine.... and the olive ovankol is soooo pretty....

Set up with a Mag-Mig it just drips in a live setting....

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99Mike, what's that Traveler 50 thing you got there???

it's a bass amp...Eden amps...they are one of the best in the bass amp game! taylor is so nice Surgeon...i've played one like yours too!

my local shop should have a couple of T5's in now i'm gonna check em' out after work today...they had one a couple weeks ago but it sold in 3 hours!!!!!

he said he was going to pick some more up at Namm this past weekend!?

Originally Posted by Hossit's a bass amp...Eden amps...they are one of the best in the bass amp game! taylor is so nice Surgeon...i've played one like yours too!

my local shop should have a couple of T5's in now i'm gonna check em' out after work today...they had one a couple weeks ago but it sold in 3 hours!!!!!

he said he was going to pick some more up at Namm this past weekend!?
So you liked it? I was really going for a jumbo at first but the tone of the grand auditorium was soooo fitting what I was looking for (and complemented my vocals really well )....

Those T5s seem really really nice... please give me a little review of this when you get back... I'm really curious and gassing... (but the new roadbike's gonna prevent an impulse buy thank you very much...)

to be honest...i don't think i've played a Taylor that didn't sound awesome!!! but the 400 series sounds really good and looks good too...i'm kinda torn between jumbos and auditoriums...i like both sounds, but the jumbo kinda fits me better...i'm a big dude and my tak looks like a ukelele in my!!!

hopefully they were able to snag a couple T5's and they're still there...i can't wait to check one out in person and hear it unplugged and plugged into a couple of Riveras!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!

the T5's sound really really good......there was 3 guys at NAMM last weekend that would rotate around every few hours, and they just had a little demoing station outside the Taylor room, with a Line 6 amp, a little acoustic combo, and a Egnator (sp?) amp head and 2x12 cab......they were copping nice tele bridge pickup sounds, Gretsch hollowbody neck pickup sounds, a strat jangle, les paul bridge pickup crunch, and of course, the sound of a nice Taylor acoustic......there was some cool tones to be found......the T5's play nice too, it kind of feels like a exact mix of playing an electric and acoustic guitar at the same time, the neck and tension just makes it feel that way

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