
Wow i'm being a post whore today. Hehehe. Sorry about that. I'm not here very often I s'pose.This is a bad picture of me with my stuff...
(I just added that biohazard sticker the other day :P. I'm proud of it because it actually came from a lab lol)

That's a craptacular Yamaha Pacifica 012 with a Kustom Quad 100 HD solidstate halfstack. I wanna save up the $$$ to buy a Krank combo!
Holy crap! It's a girl!

Wish I had some pics of my guitars, but for now.. there's nothing.

pacificas , includin low end ones are underestimated. they are actually good guitars IMHO . great necks

This is my humble rig, slightly different since this picture was taken but this is the essence of the rigs, amps are the same and axes are the same, but some effects have changed
I also dig those Yamahas...I posted pics of a good bit of my gear in a thrad titles quot;gear picsquot; yesterday...

I have not figured out how to post pictures yet on those photo sites... when i do i'll post a photo of my collection.... It is a large collection i guess... Over 22 guitars, and 8 or 9 amps, tons of effects and stuff... I had a hard time getting it all in one photo a long time ago... now i have a ton more of gear and i need a wide angle lens to get it all... Saddly most of my collection is cheaper guitars... I have a bad habit of buying guitars that need help and i repair them.. Yes i got them for dirt cheap but it's getting to the point i need to unload this stuff and buy more American guitars.. Quality over Quantity

amps- I do have a 5150 stack, a JCM 800 stack, a Peavey Classic 50 head, a Peavey Classic 30 combo with matching tweed ext cab, an original 65 Fender Deluxe, Solid State fender Princton Chorus, Berhinger amp, Line 6 POD,

Guitars-some not all.... 1976 Gibson LP Deluxe, 1988 American Standard Strat, Godin Solidac, Warmoth Custom strat, 1987 Charvel Model one, 1994 Jackson Dinky-(red), 1994 Jackson Dinky-(blue), 1989 Fernandes super strat-(not a bad guitar for $100 at a pawn shop, but it is pink), 1999 Mexican Standard strat, 1996 TexMex strat, 1994 Mexican Strat, 2003 Epi Les Paul, 2003 Epi Exployer, Custom made strat out of unknown parts, Custom made Tele out of Fender and Peavey parts, many home made strat and teles....... too many more cheapies or home made guitars to remember them all.... I have so many necks and parts around i don't always know what i have... people have given me so many necks and parts over the years i don't have time to make bodies for them.. I do want to make a body for my Wolfgang neck and i have a few mahogany Godin necks that need bodies.....

I want to get more american stuff, maybe another Warmoth, maybe an Ernie Ball Axis, and i do want to get another new American Standard strat.....


Since this picture was taken, I've removed the D-Tuna from the RR-1, changed it's neck pickup, slapped and EMG 85 in the bridge of my Schecter, painted the cabinet black, added a Boss SD-1, removed the pick holders, and added a rack delay. It's also not in the same spot in the garage (which is behind the house, not near the street, or I wouldn't leave **** in there), and I've carpeted the garage.

Here's an older shot of the whole thing. The pedalboard was getting too big, so I cut it down a little....Here's a shot of the current pedalboard;Here's a shot of the rack shelf. It's stuck sitting on top until I can afford a new (larger) rack to put it in....And lastly, here's a shot of the rack itself;
Guitar -gt;
Digitech WH-1 -gt;
Dunlop ZW Wah -gt;
EB Jr Volume* -gt;
ProCo Rat2 -gt;
Boss CE-2 -gt;
Dunlop UniVibe (the controller is on the pedalboard) -gt;

Rectifier Preamp -gt;

Boss GE-7 -gt;
A/B-Y box
-gt; A: EHX Memory Man (short delays)-gt; Mesa 2:100 Ch-A -gt; THD Hotplate -gt; Mesa 4x12
-gt; B: Boss DD-20 (long delays) -gt; Mesa 2:100 Ch-B -gt; THD Hotplate -gt; Peavey 1x15

* The Korg DTR-1000 is run off the EB Volume tuner out.

Wow, another thing thats underated. Kustom amps. How does that head thru the 4x12 sound? I have a 30 watt kustom amp that If the need ever arose id like to consider gettin a big brother for.

****e thats a nice rack... and a nice epiphone goth... with EMGs! wooo!
and somebody has quite a nice collection of BC Riches.

Yes Kustoms ARE indeed underated. They're pretty nice. I'll post a clip sometime so you can hear what the head sounds like. (They need to post amp clips on their site. Kustoms are nice affordable amps (that half stack was $600) and they do pretty well on the classic rock. Not quite enough gain for metal players like myself but I've enjoyed it so far. ahhh I can't wait till my RGT comes in so I can post pictures of itttt!

Originally Posted by Kyuuketsuki****e thats a nice rack... and a nice epiphone goth... with EMGs! wooo!
and somebody has quite a nice collection of BC Riches.

Yes Kustoms ARE indeed underated. They're pretty nice. I'll post a clip sometime so you can hear what the head sounds like. (They need to post amp clips on their site. Kustoms are nice affordable amps (that half stack was $600) and they do pretty well on the classic rock. Not quite enough gain for metal players like myself but I've enjoyed it so far. ahhh I can't wait till my RGT comes in so I can post pictures of itttt!

I have the Kustom Quad 200 HD on top of a full stack of Behringer cabs. It might be the extra 100w but it will crank out as much distortion as you want. I have only had the volume up to three and it shakes the whole dang house.Here's a qwik pic of what I'm useing right now.Look it's my rig!On top we have a mint 1963 Fender transitional bandmaster. They only made this model (an AA763 circuit) for 4 months. It's a blonde with BF circuitry.

Bottom is a DRRI, my Spina modded TS9, and my prized surfer strat w/ telecaster switching capability.

I'm diggin the metal rigs!

here are mine:

from : localhost/ too impressive

the rack (plugs into powerd JBL EONs, wth a 15 and a horn):and the pedalboard:

There's soon to be another electric added to the mix...

Originally Posted by CapoFirstFretThis is my humble rig, slightly different since this picture was taken but this is the essence of the rigs, amps are the same and axes are the same, but some effects have changed
I quite like the color of your LP. What is it exactly?
And your sig says it's a studio standard... ??? That sounds strange, could you explain?

And a better pic of my prized posession:

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