
So I am replacing the '53 Ant. neck pup in my Tele with either a Jazz or an APH full sized humbucker. Those are my two options. The DC on the Tele Antiquity is 7.6, on the Jazz 8.0, and on the APH 7.1.

WHich of the two humbuckers would NOT over power the bridge Ant. in my Tele? which one would NOT be over powered by the bridge pup either?

I am leaning towards installing the APH.

All humbucker pickups tend to be louder than single coils but the APH will be closer in output than the Jazz.

Either one you go with will have to be set pretty low into the pickguard and the lead pickup will have to be raised up higher than usual. For example, I have a Pearly Gates in my thinline (7.4K) at the neck and a Hot Tele Lead tapped (13.7k) at the bridge. the STL-2 is set up pretty high, almost touching the strings actually, and the Pearly Gates is pretty much even with the pickguard. They both sound reat though, and the middle position is one of my favorite clean tones.

Yeah, I assume that would be about the position they'd need to be. I recently bought a Pignose and does it ever rock with a Tele. I tried my Lester, but the Tele just sounds great through it.

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