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can you folks give me an idea how that's going to sound? thoughts on both clean and distorted would be appreciated..neither are in my hands right now, but on the way (i'm starting to collect so i can play) i also have the bridge full shredder on the way..

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Unless you're a collector, I could see the point in owning a vintage plexi then, but check this out:

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Ok, so i just put together a maple bodied bolt on neck Flying v. I had not planned on doing it but i was looking around on ebay and i stumbled across a v body that i ended up winning for 28 bucks. Anyway i put it together with parts that i had around here and the pickups that i had were humbuckers from a Saga LP kit. They sound bad, the neck is extremley muddy and the neck is shrill but very powerful. What i am looking for is:

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Ok boys. This is just a bass body in neck. It's a black laminated body with a maple neck. It is NOT in good condition. It has a crack on the back of the neck at the top. It has some deep scratches on the back of the neck behind the 12th fret. The body is dinged up (looks pretty cool, IMO). Right now it is useless, but if you're looking for a good project to get some experience, you could practice a refret on it or fix the cracks, refinish it or whatever you want to do. I bought it for that reason, but never have got around to it. I was told it was a 1973, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to get rid of some stuff becuase I need money for a new speaker.

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/GIBSON-EPIPHONE-...QQcmdZViewItem

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It has 3 s/c in it just like a strat. Nice maple neck w/jumbo frets. The pups are covered in solid black and I can't see the pole pieces. Anyone know about these pups? Anyone have any other info on the guitar like wood or whether ot not it would make a decent Franken or super strat?
thanks much!

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Hello to everyone!!

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...tem=7362406839

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I recently bought a new amp - an Engl Screamer 50. It's my first all tube amp for over 13 years. I've used rack gear since then and only ever needed a midi pedal to control everything. Well since taking the plunge, I've bought a couple of other pedals for my rig and thought it was about time I got a pedal board, rather than carry everything in their boxes (a pain in the ass at gigs!!)
Anyway, rather than buy a pedalboard, I thought I'd have a crack at building my own. I had an old guitar case which had seen better days to use as a starting point................and with some supplies from a case builder and much gnashing of teeth later......ta da!!!!And here she is with my gear in place. Key is as follows...

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Well the drive was long but definately worth it. I picked up my 2004 Gibson Les Paul Standard in Iced Tea Finish yesterday from Kennewick Washington....... She weighs in at 9.22 LBS.... Got Les Paul? hehe

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Black, brand new shape. $50 shipped conus, or trade for black Hot Rails.

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Just wanted to thank all the fellow forum members for all the buisness in 2005. I sincerely appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the new year.

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Hi to all

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Hey ya'll Blues Cats around here, which neck pickup model do you like best on your Pauls? The SD SH-1N '59 or the SD SH-PG1 Pearly Gates? No other models please, just these two Your opinions would be a big help for making my decision. Thanks!

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These are discontinued...rumor has it that she's good little amp..better tone than the 40 watter, and more reliable.

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I know that one of our Forum brothers ordered a custom built guitar!

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A student of mine has a real nice strat, and when you bend the 3rd string there is a obvious dead spot when the string passes between poles. None of the other pups do it, and none of the other strings. Is this a bad pup?Thanks again y'all

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Okay guys, My Custom Guitar is almost completely finished. I just cant decide on what color to go with it. I was thinking of fades or bursts or maybe just solid, I dont know! Its got a flamed maple top, so I plan on dyeing the guitar. All suggestions and examples (i.e. Pics) are greatly appreciated. Help me guys!!

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my 3 day old vox ad50vt is sounding really bad. the speaker is cutting out like its dying and it does it every 2 notes or so. Ive heard of this happening to this amp on some reviews but that was only at very high volumes and this is happening to me at all volumes at all different types of settings. i new these tones were too good to be true :dammit: , any advice? if i have to return it, what amp should i buy with my $370? i was looking at a cube 60 but i hadnt heard much about it.

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