Any idea what wah pedal Satch was using on Strange Beautiful Music? Listening to quot;You Saved My Lifequot; and quot;What Breaks a Heartquot; I find he has a really killer wah sound. Hunting around there's a fair bit of info on the amps he used for that record, but nothing that I can find on the wah. I know live he's used a Dunop 535Q before, but he always seems to use different gear in the studio...
目前分類:title (5999)
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Question for any Satriani buffs
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Humbuckers with a 1/4 pound
I am building a Tele and I really like the 1/4 pound tele in the bridge according to the sound bytes. This is going to be a blues/rock machine and I would like to put a humbucker in the neck. Which SD humbucker would match up well? I was thinking of the Alnico 2 Pro but I really would lie some input. My other choices would be from Dimarzio with the VV Hot T bridge and the new Virtual PAF Neck.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
New acquisition!!
Well, I just got my new cab, its a Mojo tone 1x12 marshall style w/ samp;p grill, and 16 ohm mojo tone V30 replica speaker. I dealt with Andy, he was great, I sent my money order on tuesday and already got the cab! I lucked out and placed an order for a cab series he was in the process of starting and had only one completed with him so he didn't have to custom build mine, I was expecting $300 ...but no, only 2 bills!! so if your looking for a new cab, get with andy, he can build you anything you can dream up.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Gibson fails to grasp creation of internet
OK, which one of you guys forgot to tell Gibson about this really cool thing we've got going on called the internet ? Only a select few dealers can sell new Gibsons online, and they can't show pictures ? If they feel that we aren't visual animals, why do they bother with all those elaborate tops and finishes ? If I'm misunderstanding this ( and I really hope I am ), can someone explain exactly what is going on with Gibson's internet sales policy ?
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Wondering about PG's vs AII Pro's.
I hope to have my Patriot project completed next month, and am thinking about which pups to use. I've never tried A2 Duncans, and I want something sweet and warm. I thought AII Pro's might be perfect but I need tremspaced for the bridge.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Rythm pickup that matches Broadcaster
Hi I have an Ash telecaster and I curently have a SD Broadcaster in the bridge position. The SD website says quot;change both lead and rhythm pickupsquot; but they don't make a broadcaster rhythm pickup. Which SD pickup matches the Broadcaster best? (standard tele neck pickup with chrome cover please)
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Neck break repair questions....
I have a Korina style Epi Exployer that i got with a baddly broken neck! Man it was nasty! Fell about 9 feet and the headstock came off and the forearm area had piece missing.... Nastly break.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Wanker at Work
So this guy i work with, he is an absolute ****. No one really likes him, he thinks he is a professional Musican and artist, because he dj's ( and not that well either, he just does mix cd's ). He was being a **** to one of the girls, making her feel uncomfortable, saying ' oh this girl was doing this to me yo udont knowwhat you where missing out on, you shouldve come out with us' blah blah blah,and my work mate was just looking at me like 'jesse, say something, before i rip his balls of'. Then he started 'rhyming' about that kinda chicks ( could never pass a girl with a nice ass) all that crap. So i said ' hey man, dont girls leave laghing in stitches when they see your 2 inches?'' and he looked like his **** and balls just went up into his throat. Funny stuff.
Then we where talking about music. I said ' yeah i love van halen, eddy is an awesome guitar playing'
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Initial Review of Fender Custom Tele FMT HH
It's in! Came home from meetings to find that UPS had a suprise for me.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
How do i tell if my guitar is bright or dark?
Its a 2004 American Strat, and I cant tell, I dont know how to listen for it. Anyone here have a similar guitar and wants to tell me how mine probably sounds, bright or dark?
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Wanted: JB neck clips
Could anyone post any clips of the jb in the neck? what do you guys think of it?
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Alnico II Pro in a Les Paul request
So it sounds like a JB in a Paul is not what I'm after. However, I heard one clip of an Alnico II Pro that I kind of liked. I know Slash uses them. Does anyone else have any clean or dirty clips of this pickup in a Les Paul? Bridge or neck is fine. Thanks in advance.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
For Sale: Gibson Explorer
It's a 97 Explorer with a Duncan JB in the bridge and a covered Gibson in the neck. Black. Some finish flaws, nothing major. 700 OBO. Ask for pics if you'd like.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Good 7-string single coil to match Duncan Custom?
I just got a Schecter Elite 007 that's H/S. The Duncan Designs are kinda weak in output for my tastes. I just won a Duncan Custom 7 off ebay last night, I need a good single coil to match it. The only thing I've found so far is the DiMarzio Blaze; the specs seem to indicate it's nice and bright with some good power and may be what I'm looking for (I prefer warmer bridge pups with brighter neck pups). Anyone else have any thoughts on the Blaze single, will it be a good match for the Custom 7, or is there any other production single coil 7-string pups out there without going custom shop? Thanks.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Dean GAS
from : localhost/saw one of these in a shop. For the money ($370 CAN) it is a damn fine instrument. Super fast unfinished neck, exceptional fretwork, and it played like a guitar worth three times as much. I didn't get a chance to plug it in, but man was I impressed. Some of the guitars coming out of China these days are frighteningly good.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Can You remove Slug Poles?
Hey I've got some really crappy pups that I am going to use the base plate and bobbins from to make a new pup.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
A classy strat rebuild...
well i finished the rebuild on my pewter strat. a new pickguard and pickups a graphite nut and chrome fender/schaller locking tuners made the project complete finally. it seems to have a touch of class to it now with the chrome covered pickups. in the bridge is a breed with a solid chrome cover i put on and the neck is a lace chrome dome (not a tele pickup) and again a great guard from warmoth!! this guitar just plain out ROCKS it's quickly becoming a favorite of mine...
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Bridge pickups
Well, as some of you may know, I recently purchased a Phat Cat for the neck of my Epiphone. As some of you may also know, the machine heads are cheap pieces of pearloid... quot;excrementquot;, to keep everything family friendly. I was getting a little fret buzz, so I decided to raise the tailpiece a bit. When loosening the strings, the pearloid button on one of my machine heads cracked and broke off (again). I just decided to remove the strings altogether, as I'm going to have my Phat Cat installed in the near future.
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Psychedelic Effects
Well in my current playing style, I am longing for some new effects. I am currently considering EHX(One of my favorite pedal brands) for effects. I am looking for Spacey, swelling, phased out etc.... Any recommendations?
- Jun 13 Sun 2010 20:59
Best Pickup for floating FR?
I find that with floating FR guitars, there is a marked reduction in the bass frequencies and some of the mids as well, resulting in a very trebly sounding guitar. Which is the best humbucker (in trembucker spacing) that would best compensate for this loss of bass and mids?