I just got a Schecter Elite 007 that's H/S. The Duncan Designs are kinda weak in output for my tastes. I just won a Duncan Custom 7 off ebay last night, I need a good single coil to match it. The only thing I've found so far is the DiMarzio Blaze; the specs seem to indicate it's nice and bright with some good power and may be what I'm looking for (I prefer warmer bridge pups with brighter neck pups). Anyone else have any thoughts on the Blaze single, will it be a good match for the Custom 7, or is there any other production single coil 7-string pups out there without going custom shop? Thanks.

Bump. Anyone have any experience with 7-string single coils?

the blaze single is the only one im familiar with. it sounds nice and punchy, not as sparkly as a vintage single coil but the extra push helps to balance with buckers

Thanks. I found out Warmoth actually sells Tom Anderson and Rio Grande 7s, but so far the Blaze looks like a better choice for me. I think I'll most likely go with that one... I even found a site that's got them for $48.

I was going to suggest the same as Jeremy (for the same reasons), worked great with a Custom in the bridge of my RG1077XL

Cool. Blaze it is then! Thanks.

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