I hope this makes sense. I bought some used Rio pickups and went to install them tonight and it appears that the screw holes for the adjustment screws and springs are not threaded meaning the standard Duncan and or Gibson screws drop right in the holes. Either these were stripped out or have no threads for direct mounting instead.
I vaguely recall someone posting a fix for this scenario, maybe using the right size nut glued to the base so the screw threads?
Thanks for any ideas?

yep glue on 6/32 nuts for Fender singles -- or 10/48 nuts for Gibson Humbuckers-- two part epoxies.

so i need or 10/48 nuts for Gibson Humbuckers?
Just came from two hardware stores and neither carried that small a size....any idea where you got your 10/48 nuts?

Try a hobby shop that sells R/C cars or model airplane stuff. They will have what you need.

I recommend JB weld to mount the screws. That stuff holds anything together!!

Just popping my head in on this one.

I have a Dimarzio Humbucker from Hell that's been direct mounted (got it from these forums ages ago now) and I've tried JB Weld and Araldite (an Australian 2 part expoy) and neither held.

I suspect I may have to sand down a bit off the pickup legs to rough or clean it enough for the glue to hold - it stays on the nuts just fine!.


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