OK, which one of you guys forgot to tell Gibson about this really cool thing we've got going on called the internet ? Only a select few dealers can sell new Gibsons online, and they can't show pictures ? If they feel that we aren't visual animals, why do they bother with all those elaborate tops and finishes ? If I'm misunderstanding this ( and I really hope I am ), can someone explain exactly what is going on with Gibson's internet sales policy ?

Originally Posted by MVIOK, which one of you guys forgot to tell Gibson about this really cool thing we've got going on called the internet ? Only a select few dealers can sell new Gibsons online, and they can't show pictures ? If they feel that we aren't visual animals, why do they bother with all those elaborate tops and finishes ? If I'm misunderstanding this ( and I really hope I am ), can someone explain exactly what is going on with Gibson's internet sales policy ?

Not sure what the deal is these days with Gibson,but it ain't right?
I'm a fender guy anyway,so it doesn't really concern me.... Maybe PRS will buy Gibson out?

I think that Gibson is trying to squeeze all of it's quot;littlequot; dealers out, to make mega corporations like GC the sole distributor of Gibson products...or maybe the plan is more sinister than that.

Don't be suprised if in the not too distant future, GC ends up owning Gibson.

Originally Posted by MVIOK, which one of you guys forgot to tell Gibson about this really cool thing we've got going on called the internet ? Only a select few dealers can sell new Gibsons online, and they can't show pictures ? If they feel that we aren't visual animals, why do they bother with all those elaborate tops and finishes ? If I'm misunderstanding this ( and I really hope I am ), can someone explain exactly what is going on with Gibson's internet sales policy ?

I've been to more than a few local quot;boutiquequot; or small shops that carry highend Gibsons and the quot;elaboratequot; tops aren't all that elaborate. The Dean Chafin Del Sol I sold to Youngpup on these forums had a more 3 dimensional flame to it.

I'm surprised just how bad some guitars flame's look like in person. I've seen Guild's, Gibson's, even some PRS that didn't look the pricetag. I'm glad my Grosh has it (and it makes me appreciate it more), but it's sad that people aren't getting premium 3 dimensional flame or quilt tops when they pay premium prices. There are of course some exceptions (Scott_F's sold PRS comes to mind )

I love the guitars but I think the company is run by morons.

Originally Posted by HellionI love the guitars but I think the company is run by morons.


Originally Posted by MrHeavyMetal 1,000,000

Nice to see you Bob. Missed you at UGD.

The problem for me is that I really want Gibson to get their stuff together. I've owned so many Les Pauls, they should give me one free just for keeping them afloat. Oh the humanity of it all.

Originally Posted by HellionI love the guitars but I think the company is run by morons.It would be easy to write their actions off as just being stupid.

I honestly think they have something planned, something big. There's just too much money involved and too many people with college degrees and an understanding of what the Gibson name means to throw it away.

They've got something planned....something big.

Originally Posted by SkarekroughIt would be easy to write their actions off as just being stupid.

I honestly think they have something planned, something big. There's just too much money involved and too many people with college degrees and an understanding of what the Gibson name means to throw it away.

They've got something planned....something big.

Like they're gonna get taken over by fender?

Originally Posted by HellionI love the guitars but I think the company is run by morons.


Originally Posted by Jeff_HDon't be suprised if in the not too distant future, GC ends up owning Gibson.

You might be on to something here. Maybe they already do.

Originally Posted by SkarekroughIt would be easy to write their actions off as just being stupid.

I honestly think they have something planned, something big. There's just too much money involved and too many people with college degrees and an understanding of what the Gibson name means to throw it away.

They've got something planned....something big.

I think you give them way to much credit. Very few if any were there in the Glory years to understand what the quot;Gibson Namequot; means. Too many bean counting dweebs with degree's is one of there biggest problems.

I know we've beat this subject up to death and back, but either it's the alltime stupidest blunder in all of guitar history or we'll all be sitting around in a year talking about how shrewd old henry really was.

I agree that something is up. Of course, the number of guitars sold by the big online chains probably dwarfs the combined sales of all the dealers in my signature. Those little guys were probably quot;too pickyquot; when it came to returning guitars, etc. Those little guys had customers that were quot;too pickyquot; as well. In fact, all those quot;too pickyquot; dealers and customers are probably looking really closely at Hamer and Heritage right now.

whatever's going on, it's sad...just plain sad!

i hope things get better in the not so distant future...i really do!

I think TatooedCarrot recently ordered a Gibson that came from the factory with sawdust in the case, no flame, and a sharpie mark on the left horn of the body. Search for the thread. Gibson isn't planning anything big, they're planning to screw guitarists out of their money who think they are getting a quality instrument like they used to make.

Take your money to BlueLine or JohnJohn. Get a real quality guitar.

It might have something to do with maintaining a perceived value and mystical mojo of the Gibson line.
There are several manufactures that limit web based retailers, and they all have their own reasoning behind it. Some believe that if the online market gets flooded it will make their product less desirable... I'm not sure how the math works on that, but that's their business model, not mine.

Just my .02


Microsoft anyone?

Originally Posted by STRATDELUXER97

Maybe PRS will buy Gibson out?

i would LOVE to see the singlecut make it's triumphant return.

I would never buy a guitar online anyway.

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