Well, I just got my new cab, its a Mojo tone 1x12 marshall style w/ samp;p grill, and 16 ohm mojo tone V30 replica speaker. I dealt with Andy, he was great, I sent my money order on tuesday and already got the cab! I lucked out and placed an order for a cab series he was in the process of starting and had only one completed with him so he didn't have to custom build mine, I was expecting $300 ...but no, only 2 bills!! so if your looking for a new cab, get with andy, he can build you anything you can dream up.

To the important part, this thing sounds huge!! First I plugged it in to run at the same time as my dsl 401 combo's speaker, it sounded good but not great so I unplugged the internal dsl speaker and just ran the dsl with the mojo tone and it rips! The bass response is killer, I'm guessing its the size of the cab.

Heres some pics

*my new rig(sans modest pedal board)* heres some more pics
from : localhost/img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...b/000_0106.jpg
from : localhost/img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...b/000_0107.jpg
from : localhost/img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...b/000_0111.jpg
I know they don't match but I'm eventually selling my dsl for a plexi style head, most likely a 1987x. I'm also waiting for the mojo tone logo that andy forgot to put on. Just thought i'd share, I never knew it would make THIS big of a difference in sound! Thanks, Josh

Cool cab. Nice LP too! I think your combo's ext speaker out probably divided the volume between the two cabs in a bad way. If I were you, I'd send him your amp's chassis, and have him build you a matching head cab for your Marshall, so it looks like a Custom mini stack with matching grillcloth on the headbox. Just an idea!

Look familiar? My 2x12 is also a mojotone. It sounds HUGE for being so small.

Josh...congrats! I know you had you eye on that one, and Im glad you got it! NOw if we could just find that Plexi Marshall head!!!

Originally Posted by GearjoneserCool cab. Nice LP too! I think your combo's ext speaker out probably divided the volume between the two cabs in a bad way. If I were you, I'd send him your amp's chassis, and have him build you a matching head cab for your Marshall, so it looks like a Custom mini stack with matching grillcloth on the headbox. Just an idea!

that speaker out problem sounds right...it drops in volume and doesn't sound as good, doesn't phase me though cause this cab sounds much better than the dsl speaker.

thats a great idea! problem is I'm getting the plexi because I think its the tone I'm after, moreso than the dsl, that would be killer though! that did give me an idea. I could order one of these completed chassis and get a custom headbox for it like you said. from : localhost/ I don't think the pics are working on his site, maybe its just my comp. Those prices look pretty good and with a custom head box, could turn into a decent value for a completely custom setup!

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireJosh...congrats! I know you had you eye on that one, and Im glad you got it! NOw if we could just find that Plexi Marshall head!!!

yep! what do you think about my/gearjoneser's idea for the completed chassis from the link with a custom headbox from mojo tone?also twoheadedboy, that looks great! What's morris? any info on your head?

Morris is the work of Glen C. Morris, a builder working out of my hometown, Welland, Ontario, Canada. He will be appearing in an issue of Tonequest magazine. He is currently working with artists such as John Angus of the Trews, Nick from Oliver Black, and the guitarists from Alexisonfire. The man is a genius.

from : localhost/has Glen's contact information.

The head Glen built for me is an interesting blend. It sort of takes characteristics of a '59 Fender Bassman circuit, and blends them with those of an early Marshall JTM 45, but it's hotrodded. It also has some of Glen's signature tricks that make it extremely versatile and player-sensitive. AND IT'S RED!

Oh, sorry. The head is around 45-50 watts and uses two 6L6s. As soon as I get my guitar situation figured out I'll post some clips.

I like it. There's just something about a nice, clean design like that appeals to me. In amps, guitars, and cabs.

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