Anyone know what the ideal setup for effects chains are? and can we put it in the vault please?

I always put compressors and OD units in front of the amp (usually in that order) and then modulation effects and delay either after them or in the effects loop.

i tend to have wah first in the chain, then distortion, but some people prefer it after distortion

From Robert Keeley's website:
Q: Is there a specific order my effects should go in?

A: Yes and no. There are some guidelines that can be followed to make sure odd things don't happen. There have been times when a compressor after a delay pedal or reverb unit has caused some bad (good?) effects, there have been brilliant moves to place effects in certain orders that break most rules, but below is a guideline I came up with and was published in Musician's Hotline Magazine. Nice things is it gives you a way, a phrase to memorize so that when you're on the road, you can get it right if you pick up a new effect.
Placing effects in a logical order will help! This list of effects order is just a general guideline. Some of the best and most unique guitar tones have been created by breaking the rules! You guys need a head start at good tone right?! A way to make life easy right?! I came up with a little phrase to help remember the order because even I forget. Ask yourself this when you wonder about effects order or placement: Which Chain Of Effect Pedals Makes Life Easy? All you have to do is remember this phase and which letter corresponds to which type of effect. Wah -gt; Which, Compressor -gt; Chain, Overdrive -gt; Of, EQ -gt; Effect, Pitch -gt; Pedals, Modulation -gt; Make, Level -gt; Life, Echo -gt; Easy. I like to see wah pedals and sometimes even phasers as the first effect after the guitar. We’ll call these Wah effects (yes even the phaser). Wah pedals boost a frequency you sweep to with your foot and phasers cut or notch a frequency that is swept to electronically. Distortion pedals make interesting response changes to the boost or cut from these sweep pedals. Compressors typically go next although I like them after distortion pedals in many cases if the compressor is clean and transparent enough. Compression after distortion has two effects that I really like. First, the noise floor is lower because the noise from a compressor isn’t being amplified and distorted by the overdrive pedal. Second, there appears to be more sustain. There is one draw back that some people notice and that is a darker, warmer tone. Some folks might prefer a more conventional, brighter tone. Next comes Overdrive or distortion. Equalizer pedals can go next. They are commonly used for a boost pedal if they can be turned on and off, or used to shape the tone of the distortion pedal. Pitch changing pedals, Vibrato for example; go next for the simple reason that many distortion pedals can’t handle the many pitches at one time. Try strumming a complex chord with your distortion pedal on, say a C7#9#11. Modulation effects go next such as chorus and flanging go next. Level pedals that control the volume go next in many cases. This would include tremolo, volume pedals (great at this point in the effects chain because it cuts all the hiss going to your amp), noise gates and limiters. Since compression is a limiter in many cases and this is why it works post-distortion by the way. Echo effects go last. These include delay and reverb. A sample effects board might contain these effects: Guitar -gt; Wah, Compressor, Overdrive, EQ, Vibrato, Chorus, Tremolo, Volume Pedal, and Delay-gt; Amp.

One of the most ingenious uses of effects and effect placement can be heard on Radiohead's quot;Luckyquot; off the incredible album quot;OK Computer.quot;

There's an effect that sounds almost like a wah but doesn't involve a wah at all. Here's what Jonny Greenwood uses for that sound (from amp to guitar):
tremolo gt; envelope filter gt; phaser
It's brilliance is in the way the tremolo affects the envelope filter. Since the tremolo creates volume swells and the envelope filter wahs according to input dynamics, the regular tremolo swell creates a lovely regular wah that's enhanced by the phaser after the fact.
If you've never heard quot;Luckyquot; before you're missing out on a great tune.

Originally Posted by BonesAnyone know what the ideal setup for effects chains are? and can we put it in the vault please?There isn´t one, that´s the problem. It all depends on what tone you want, for example to you want a distorted wah or do you want wah on your distortion? A delay before a noise gate will be quot;cut offquot;, but after the gate can sound really whacked out and swirling .....

ELECTRICALLY it would make sense to put the compressor first afeter the wah(to even the level), then feed distortion/preamps/fuzzes, then modulation effects such as chorusing, flangers and phasers, then the noise gate, then delays and reverbs (to help mast the noise gate closing).... But again, different hookup = different sound = there are no rules

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