I went for two high gain JJ 12AX7s in V1 and V2, and a balanced/matched JJ12ax7for the phase inverter (V3) slot..............AND I put the JJ KT88s in.

The high gain JJs and balanced PI make for a MUCH warmer preamp, especially the low mids. The gain is a little more edgey and smoother. I'm running the gain at about 1-2 o'clock, and the volume at about 8 o'clock. I'm goosing it with my SD-1 and my SD pup booster pedal. Both together are super super thick and rich. The pup booster gives me a TON of bass (with my H150) when it's clicked on, almost too much I'd say.

I'll get the KT88 writeup on this afternoon.


sounds good..keep up posted..

BOTH PEDS ON? Yeesh..how much gain ya need?

BTW, how ya like the pup booster alone as a goose?

Originally Posted by JeffBsounds good..keep up posted..

BOTH PEDS ON? Yeesh..how much gain ya need?

BTW, how ya like the pup booster alone as a goose?Well Jeff until you get to about 2 o'clock you don't have a whole lot to work with. Then when you do you want that sweet KT88....I've said too MUCH!

The booster works great. It's like your guitar, but more, much more.


Originally Posted by Luke DukeWell Jeff until you get to about 2 o'clock you don't have a whole lot to work with. Then when you do you want that sweet KT88....I've said too MUCH!

The booster works great. It's like your guitar, but more, much more.


Yeah I'm just teezin ya..def gotta crank those bad boys...get an attentuator yet?

I'm eyeing the booster hard for the Bumbox amp...

Ok I'm back here, and I'm gonna testify that KT88's sound amazing!

These are like a thicker juicier more alive 6550, or a 6L6 on major steroids.

The low end is like thunder when you crank the amp. The low end is tight and very round, not abrupt like you'll hear in most configurations.

The mids are much more complex, the lower mids are very present, and when you are playing clean (those rare occasions) you've got all kinds of different textures going on in there.

The highs are less piercing than those on the 6550s. The high end is a little pulled back makes the bridge pup sound alot smoother on the high frets, kind of like A2 compared A5 I'd say.

The plate voltage is running at 402 (wide open on my trim pot) but I'm getting that nice blue glaze, so it is supposedly close to being right. Look for my biasing adventure coming soon.


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