Hey guys, I've looked at the Vetta on the Line6 site, and it looks to be a sweet amp. Anyone have any experience with it?

There's a few guys on here with one. I tried one a few months ago, and was very impressed. It has many of the same models as the PodXT, which I do own.

my friend has the combo, loads of features but.. for the price i wouldnt say its worth it i like the sound of my spider 2 half stack better and i dont really like the sound of my amp, and this amp squeeks like a MotherEffer past the 10 o clock point its terrible, and my friend has had this amp for about a year and its already crapped out of him twice and he had to bring it in to get it fixed..

i dont really like the amp, its got lots of features and all that crap but you dont need it all and a tube amp would sound way better.

I dig it, but tube amps kick the **** out of it.

I owned one up to not so long a go. it was cool and all and never gave me any problems.it sounds quite good through a 4x12 or even 8x12 and of course it has alot of features and models and is fun to mess around with if you don't know what tone you want. personally i discovered that i just didn't need all those models and that i wanted more of a tube tone(DSS is right with his post) so i traded it for the Engl Powerball i have now. if you like an amp to play around with and give you a huge range of sounds the vetta II might be good for you(just have to get used to all those knobs and a little time to tweak it)

It's a cool amp, but what bothers me is that the price reflects Line 6 needing to recoup all their Research and Design......it has nothing to do with the amp, and the price is simply ridiculous for an amp that should cost $900, not $1700!!!

I think the best deal would be to find a used mint Vetta 1 that's had all the L6 upgrades for around $800. Or, even cheaper, buy a Vox AD120 head. The Vettas look cooler, but the basic tones aren't any better than Vox. Line 6 beats Vox on features and FX though.

Look--I'm 42 years old, I'm a tube snob and I hate solid state amps. The Vetta is different though. I love the Vetta. I love the tones of SOME of the models, the effects are pretty good and you can play two amps at once. It's stereo and it's LOUD. The only thing is that is sounds great at low volumes too.

Everyone is probably sick of hearing me say this already, lol, but I use a Morley a/b/y pedal and ALWAYS use it with a tube amp. Doing this just gives me the all tube feel that the Vetta can't do--if you notice that kind of thing.

Don't expect the models to sound exactly like the original amp. They don't. They do however get you into that kind of territory and that's fine with me. Great for tweakers and yep, people who want lotsa sounds. One thing I would never say is that tube kicks its azz. It smokes some tube amps and some tube amps smoke the Vetta. That's just the reality. The thing is, a few tube snobs (like me) have failed the blindfold test with my Vetta. I got a good one. I've never had any problems with it. I've read horror stories, but I was lucky I guess.

I have a Vetta I and it was upgraded to the Vetta II. There's no difference between them. Buy a I and go to the Line 6 website for the free software upgrade. Make sure you've got the Line 6 speakers or the Celestion G12H90's or the low end will get real flubby. I got a Hughes amp; Kettner stack and put the Celestions in it. It sounds freaking incredible.

Yeah, even if you're a tube snob....which I admittedly am, you've got to at least recognize that the best modeling amps are viable amps, especially for practice or studio applications. In a loud situation with drums, yeah, I'll take a great tube amp, but for about everything else a Vetta or Vox will be a much funner amp to play on. The features can spoil a person!

Sometimes, though, you can spend more time tweaking than you do playing.

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