
Just bought a Zinky Blue Velvet 25 watt 1X12 combo and I think she's a keeper. I had been wanting to buy a new amp for some time now, the Mesa Studio .22 wasn't working for me. And I definetly wanted something with a vintage Brit vibe, like an Orange/Marshall/Hiwatt. I had checked out a Budda, and couple different Dr.Z's, all great amps but the price was a bit too steep and no master vol. on the Dr. Z's. I had considered a Reeves, but I didn't want to do mail order. Went to GC (the Wal*Mart of music) and checked out a '59 Bassman reissue. Once again, no freaking master volume. The last place I went to didn't have much of anything, but they did have the Zinky. Plugged in my guitar (always bring your own to demo amps, trust me) and I finally found what I was looking for: a 2 channel amp w/master volume, reverb, and classic Brit crunch. What really surprised me is how it brought my Epi Goldtop w/P90's to life. Anyway, just wanted to share my G.A.S.

Very hot little amp

Did you get it in velvet????

Yup, it's covered in blue velvet. The funny thing is that it actually comes Scotch Guarded from the factory. No kidding! I hope it doesn't start stinking like a bar after a few gigs.

Nice 1, congrats.

Lots of good reports on the Zinkys. I got myself a Zinky Mofo last week and love it.

Thanks BTW, where did you find a MOFO? That is so cool, I've actually never seen one in person. Read lots of good things about them though.

Nice amp. I want one of those too. Abolutely incredible tone.

Hard to beat a little amp pushed with some P90s

Sounds great! -I'm a big fan of Zinky's work with Fender (he designed my Custom Vibrolux reverb), but haven't heard any of his new stuff. I'm sure it kills, though...

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