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I've got a simple question here everybody probably could answer,

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It's 4 takes and I accidentally switched settings between takes so that's why the tone changes. Theres lots of timing mistakes and stuff but oh well.

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Hello all,

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Say you have an amp head and cabinet that are different ohm ratings, is there such a thing as an impedence matcher for that purpose?

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Welll i bought a Saga Lc10 kit and boy am i dissapointed. The wiring diagram evidently was designed by monkey on crack,or either the person who wired it was a monkey on crack,because the wire colors do not correspond with anything in this thing i like to call quot;realityquot;. So i spent over an hour putting the wires together in different orders before i got it to work(i also made it harder on myself by not using the stock pickups and using an off brand neck pickup....which didnt come with a wiring diagram). Then just as i think i have triumphed over the evil that is my Saga kit.......i find out that my kit doesnt include such meaningless parts as the STUDS THAT HOLD ON THE BRIDGE AND THE TAILPIECE!!!!!!Do yourself a favor and dont end up like me,hating an inanimate piece of cursed wood,DONT BUY SAGA Kits!

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from : localhost/it out.

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On Guitarnuts.com, they go through a very advanced step-by-step process, but it includes not only normal shielding, but also mods to pots and so on and so on. If I just do the normal quot;adhesive and foilquot; method, will this cure most of the single coil hum problems?

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Whats the most unusual pickup you guys have ever heard? I don't mean in the sense of a poor sounding pickup, but one with a really unique tone thats unlike any pickup on the market. Sortof like the way the Eddie Van Halen's old pickup sounded really different and nobody knew how to get that sound until the great guys at SD brought out the '78 model

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the guy that sold me my dual rectifier wasn't the first owner and does not know the exact year it was made (i was told mid-90's).

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What effects if any does Clapton use on the 1st guitar of the solo on cocaine? Is that an octave pedal?

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Most guys I know use it playing clean chordal stuff. Some others use it with acoustic guitars.

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Is it possible to install an EVH D-Tuna (tunes E down to D w/ a twist) on an Ibanez Edge Tremolo III?

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Who has played/owned one of these?

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Hi, I´m new at this forum. I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have a ´62 reissue strat loaded with a set of Texas Special that works well for me but I´m looking for a thicker sound in the bridge position, for crunchy chords and hot leads. I´ve tried a Coll Rails, It sounded good but I want a real single coil because I don´t want to lose too much high end (and I don´t like how they look in a vintage strat also). What is the next step down ? I´ve thinking in the SSL-3 or SSL-5 what do you think of this pickups ?

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well i was going to go with a set of ZW EMG's but it appears im not gonna have the room inside the guitar that i need for this. so im going with passive pickups instead...however i would like a very versatile guitar as far as sounds go, i plan to play hardcore / metalcore / punkrock about 50% of the time so i would like a really great but not too dirty sounding distortion, i also would like to have stuff for blues and jazz so id like really great clarity also. i plan on playing lead guitar, the guitar will be made out of maple/mahogany and an ebony 24 fret fingerboard. i would like really great highs / mids / harmonics and id be willing to sacrifice a little bit of bass for them...however i dont want my guitar to come off as glassy or brittle. im thinking about doing a 3-way blade switch two volume / two tone wiring with push pull pots for dual coil tap and reverse phase switches wiring that i saw on i read the board quite often and it just seems that every time i finally have my head set on a pair of pickups i read about how another one or two are so much greater and its killing me trying to pick some out. would you guys have any suggestions for this type of guitar ? im very open minded about pickups and though i would LIKE to use seymour duncans id be willing to use other types if it will help me achieve the tone(s) im looking for..also if there is a better / more complex wiring scheme that i could use to help me get as many tones as possible i would be really greatful to have it. thanks in advance

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I'm thinking about buying these, but would they suit my style? I do play lots of clean stuff, but I like the occasional distortion. Musicians I like (and play) are the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix... So lots of blues and clean stuff. Would the Hot Livewires suit my need? Or how about Classic Livewires? Let's keep this discussion on active pickups for now (by which I mean I don't want any quot;Livewires suck! Get this or that!quot; discussions. At least not right away )...

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Anyway, after I finish getting the s into my SG, the next is defientley getting a new amp and it's tube no discussion on solid state since I have had SS for too long. Anyway I know if I get the half-stack or 2x12 it will be the Peavey Triple XXX no matter what. My dilemma is, since I don't gig alot but still want a tube amp I was thinking of doing a 2x12 combo since it's perfect for bedroom and stage but I know it's hard to beat a half-stack. I have only had a half-stack for a little bit and regret selling it, but I am just trying to look at things realistically. Anyone got any ideas?

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from : localhost/are called surf-trem and red repeat, plus beasty blue...don't ask about the names...
P'S it has alot to load, lots of pictures.

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I keep hearing so many great things about these and now the Virtual Hot PAF that I'm very tempted to try a set out.....this clip was the one that put me over the edge:

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