
Hi, I´m new at this forum. I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have a ´62 reissue strat loaded with a set of Texas Special that works well for me but I´m looking for a thicker sound in the bridge position, for crunchy chords and hot leads. I´ve tried a Coll Rails, It sounded good but I want a real single coil because I don´t want to lose too much high end (and I don´t like how they look in a vintage strat also). What is the next step down ? I´ve thinking in the SSL-3 or SSL-5 what do you think of this pickups ?

I play mainly blues-rock and I´m looking for a strat tone with balls, Joe Bonamassa could be a reference (when he uses stratocaster). Also I like Billy Gibbons tone when he plays his Fender Esquire.

I know that the SSL-5 has more bite but is it hotter than the Fender TS bridge ? I know also that the SSL-3 is more midrange focused and hotter than the SSL-5 but I´m not sure if it will be TOO much louder than the texas, i don´t want big differences in output. When I have the Coll Rails installed, althought there was a difference in volume with the TS, It wasn´t a bib problem for me but the SSL-3 is louder than the Cool isn´t it ?

Best wishes,


Welcome to the forum. I would take a look at the Twangbanger. It's basically a tweaked Tele pickup made to fit into a strat's bridge position.

It should balance well with the TS's as far as output goes, though you will have to do some rewiring.

I think you need to install your mid pickup in the neck and the neck in the mid, and install the Twangbanger with it's ground wire to switch and the hot wire to ground (back of pot).

This should keep everything in phase and still be hum-cancelling in postions 2 amp; 4.

Thanks Benjy, I will try the twangbanger If I find it because I believe that is not available in Argentina. Maybe I will buy it by the web.

I read that Billy Gibbons uses a Rio Grande Muy Grande on his tele bridge position, what Duncan single coil pickup do you think that could give me that type of tone, strong and thick but with bite ?

I´ve been reading the S.Duncan Site and I´m very interested in the SSL-3 Hot but in this forum and also in others I didn´t read very good comments, most people prefers SSL-5 but I´m not sure If it will be good enough for rocking.

Originally Posted by Fer_StratBluesThanks Benjy, I will try the twangbanger If I find it because I believe that is not available in Argentina. Maybe I will buy it by the web.

I read that Billy Gibbons uses a Rio Grande Muy Grande on his tele bridge position, what Duncan single coil pickup do you think that could give me that type of tone, strong and thick but with bite ?I still think you want the Twangbanger. Contact Lew, He's a SD dealer and may be able to work something out with you.

Originally Posted by Fer_StratBluesThanks Benjy, I will try the twangbanger If I find it because I believe that is not available in Argentina. Maybe I will buy it by the web.

I read that Billy Gibbons uses a Rio Grande Muy Grande on his tele bridge position, what Duncan single coil pickup do you think that could give me that type of tone, strong and thick but with bite ?

I´ve been reading the S.Duncan Site and I´m very interested in the SSL-3 Hot but in this forum and also in others I didn´t read very good comments, most people prefers SSL-5 but I´m not sure If it will be good enough for rocking.

Curly has a Strat with 2 APS' and a Hot in the bridge. He likes it quite a bit.

I'm with Benji, the Twangbanger will give you a thick sound with plenty of mids and highs. Like Benji said, it's akin to a tele pup made for strat.


One more vote for the Twangbanger. It's exactly what you seem to be looking for! Lew

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