
What pedal would work best in front of a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe to get a 70's classic rock tone? KISS, Deep Purple, Styx, etc. I have a TS9 now, but I'm not dialing in the tone yet. I wonder if a different pedal might do the trick. Any thoughts?

the ts9 is a great srv type tone, but maybe a gov'nor, or rat or even a fulltone '69 pedal would work better for ya

I'd suggest a Tone Bone Hot British or the Fulltone OCD.

try getting your ts9 modded by john then running it in front of your od channel

What i tried that really gave me some great tone was using the Mesa V-twin preamp in front of the hot rod deluxe. Im sure if you dont wanna spend the money on it, the less expensive V1 bottle rocket would do, but i just loved the tube power that came out of the V-twin.

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