
Ok, I have a washburn N4 and love the guitar except for the fact that there is a cheaply made licensed floyd rose. It already has a cracked saddle and has a small crack in another area. It would of been a great idea for Washburn to put a OFR on these considering what they cost. The guitar won't stay in tune and is causing massive headaches. I was talking to a tech and he wasn't too sure if it would be a perfect fit or not because there are so many different versions. I thought that if I were to buy the original that it would fit fine and solve my headaches. Does anyone know if the OFR will fit in the N4? I don't want to spend all the cash and not have it fix the problem. Also, should the nut be changed to match the OFR or keep the same nut? Pics can be avaliable if someone is kind enough to host.

you'll get your answers faster if you put some pictures up

ok, snapping pics now. I need to email them to someone to post.

try photobucket

Says the pages can't be found...

Another tip, if you use the links they provide that have the [IMG] tags, the pictures will show up here in the thread.

Your links are not working. I know the OFR did fit my Jackson that had a cheap Floyd on it, I know OFR's will fit imported Brian Moores also. I would say it should fit but, there is a chance it may not. We will have to see those pics.

That has a lisensed Schaller floyd on it I belive. A standard Schaller Floyd Rose Should fit perfectly. The Schaller Floyd is about the same quality as the OFR. The OFR will not fit that guitar with out alot of permanet mods. Go for the Schaller Floyd!!!!

It does say made in Germany by Schaller, but I don't know if it's the good Schaller version since it also has the Washburn logo on it. Where it's cracked, you can see that it is just a chrome shell over a cheaper orangeish metal underneath. The pics don't show it though. Maybe zinc or something. It's not solid steel.

I belive it is a licensed Schaller but, maybe someone else can chime in and verify that. The real deal Schaller is a quality item though. Thats what you would want to replace it with.

I think I'm going to order a schaller from warmoth as soon as I get some more feedback if it's the right fit of not. This is the one I've scoped and I think these have a rep as being equally as good as an original. from : localhost/

I think I'm going to order a schaller from warmoth as soon as I get some more feedback if it's the right fit of not. This is the one I've scoped and I think these have a rep as being equally as good as an original. Mine seems like a licensed by floyd licensed by shaller washburn piece of garbage. from : localhost/

That one at Warmoth is the one to go for!!!!

I think the Warmoth Schaller will fit. I'm basically just wondering if anyone has any objections before I order it. Don't want to have problems down the road you know.

if it says Made in Germany by Schaller, i think you got nothing to worry, unless it's been used and abused to the point where it's just necessary to replace it. mine works likea marvel =)

i got the same thing, just Charvel stamped

the OFR is a drop in replacement for that one

Originally Posted by theodieThat has a lisensed Schaller floyd on it I belive. A standard Schaller Floyd Rose Should fit perfectly. The Schaller Floyd is about the same quality as the OFR. The OFR will not fit that guitar with out alot of permanet mods. Go for the Schaller Floyd!!!!

the OFR IS a Schaller floyd

Schaller manufactures both the OFR and the Schaller version shown on the Warmoth web site.

Isn't it just a nomenclature change from when the patent ran out and everyone and their brother started making licensed floyds? They're definitely the ones to go for, but I've never heard of one cracking.

I too belive tha Schaller unit will fit perfectly. IMO they are everybit as good as the original Floyd Rose as well.

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