How good are the Edge tremelo's compared to other Ibanez trems or an OFR.
The Original Edge and the Edge Lo-Pro (Not the Edge Pro) are deemed to be the BEST licenced Floyds on the market. Floyd himself said once that he thought they were the best developement of his system. I have 2 and I like the basplate as it is stepped for the saddles (Thus all the saddles are the same) and it has a removable and replaceable plate for the saddle/intonation adjustment screws so if you strip one, it can be replaced without replacing the whole base.
The pop-in arm is nice. Also, it's longer in design and due to the position of the arm, the leverage is better making the bridge seem smoother to use.
They have a clamp on the base to the sustain block that keeps the springs in during extreme use, and the studs have set-screws to keep them from rotating and/or coming loose.
I hope this helps. I can take some pics if you want!
I didn't notice that you have an RGT3120. What year? if it's before 2003 it has the Edge.
I have the later model with the edge pro. I just bought a RG 520 a few hours ago and it has an edge trem. It seems to work well.
i had an ibanez a few years ago with an edge trem and it was one of the better non origional floyds i've complaints at all...never went out of tune!
I just found out my new Ibanez is an RG 570, Guitar Center Labled it wrong so I saved 20 bucks. I seem to have a problem pulling up on the trem. I dont know if its blocked because I can pull up, just barley though. Anybody have any Ideas whats wrong with it?
Originally Posted by pinto79The Original Edge and the Edge Lo-Pro (Not the Edge Pro) are deemed to be the BEST licenced Floyds on the market.
I´d say that´s a bit of an overstatement.... The system is definitely on par with a Schaller, OFR or Gotoh, and has a few nice ideas incorporated, but IMO it´s definitely not better in the usual sense.....
What I like: stepped baseplate, slightly back angled Fine tuners, Locking posts on the newer versions, the spring retainer on the block
What I dislike: replacing nylon collars on the bar once a month, the feel of the bar in general (somehow feels more quot;sluggishquot; than a Schaller to me even with the longer arm), and the tone seems to be a bit thinner than on an OFR (but they were different guitars, so that may or may not be the case.)
Like all things that have to do with feel and tone, Trem selection is absolutely subjective
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 20:57
Edge tremelo not Edge Pro