I keep having to re rap the outside covering of my vintage rail single coil pickup about twice a year so I don't cut into the windings with my pick. I am a hard player and would love to know if a plastic cover could be used in place of the tape that is used on this pickup???? The alnico standard that Seymour sells would be great because they have a plastic cover. I have a little 59 single coil I would also like to have this done. If it's a custom thing I will pay for it. I play in the Texas heat and sweating and playing hard the tape doesn't hold up...
welcome to the forum!!
boy are you in luck. the lil series pups have been redisigned with a plastic cover just like you are asking. same tone, different look
from : localhost//website...gn_intro.shtml
okay Great news!!!! Anyway to redue my pickup I have now or just buy a new redesinged one??
get a new one i think
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 20:57
Outside Covering for Vintage Rail single Coils Pickup