Anyone play any calibrated vintage sets?
My bridge pickup is about 6.7k split...vintage single...
So I was looking at winding my neck pickup to get about the calibrated equivalent of a vintage strat neck.
Yes, I know split hummers and singles are not the same, but bear with me anyway.
I use a set out of a MusicMan Albert Lee sig model. It's very close to a set of APS-2's, except that it has a steel baseplate under the bridge pickup. Balance as far as tone and output and tonality is superb. I do have the bridge pickup set pretty close to the strings and the neck and mid are lowered (mid is almost in the pickguard).
Oh come on. I know there are strat players out there who know how hot their neck pickups are.
Thanks for the shot Benji, but not the info I was looking for.
My neck pickup is in the low 6k range.
I have a set of Antiquity Texas Hots in 1 of my Strats and the neck pup is 6.44K
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 20:57
question for strat players