I have cases for my 4 fav/precious axes. They deserve a safe place. This means they go fairly much unplayed! But the ones lying around are easier to reach out and play. This feels like a shame.
Much like granma's special china tea set, which we never used, but highly prized. sad. Anyone else have this problem?
My Sharaton 335 will now have to be on a stand near the amp.
Same here, I used to keep all my axes in their cases, now I just put em on a 7 guitar stand.
Takes too much effort to pull em outta the cases.
Yes, I moved into a new house and my LP and Strat were both in cases, all I played was my roommate's Strat. I pulled out my LP and re-strung it, then I only played the LP. I pulled out the Strat and re-strung it (now both of mine are within reach from the computer) and I play them equally.
cases are everywhere where i can put them to get them out of the way. The guitars are on a 7-guitar-stand. It's way easier to reach them if you don't have to get them out of the case.
Yep. My Jackson sat in the case with my Peavey sitting on the stand by my amp (I don't even have a case for it yet). The PV always got played a lot more.
I dont find that to be the case so much with myself. For example, my tele is always on a stand near my amp, but my schecter 006 gets played a TON more than my tele.
I had this really great apartment that had this huge timber beam and I hung String Swing guitar hangers on. That was really nice having 4 guitars up, and rotating what's up and on display. Nowadays I have a 5 guitar stand, but I try to keep them in their cases.
If they're not out in my studio then there's no sense in me keeping it because it's obvious I don't like it enough.
Right now there's five on the wall and one on a stand on the floor. One's at the shop currently. The only thing in a case is a bass I use for recording purposes.
kinda quot;outta sight outta mindquot;...
I usually have two out, one on the wall and one on a stand. But I keep one always in the case no matter what, and that's my Kramer. She'll sit out maybe a day and that's it. I play all of mine pretty equally though.
Try living with a 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter.
All of a sudden quot;in the case, and up on the tall shelfquot; doesn't seem like such a hassle.
In about 2-3 more years I think I'll be able to start leaving them on the stands again. But for now, the only safe place is in the case and outa reach.
And I also have to coil up my cables and unplug the amps just for good measure. One time I came down in the basement and found my son twisting the knobs on the marshall because he was using it as the control panel of his rocket ship. oh the horror.
Originally Posted by SabeTry living with a 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter.
All of a sudden quot;in the case, and up on the tall shelfquot; doesn't seem like such a hassle.
In about 2-3 more years I think I'll be able to start leaving them on the stands again. But for now, the only safe place is in the case and outa reach.
And I also have to coil up my cables and unplug the amps just for good measure. One time I came down in the basement and found my son twisting the knobs on the marshall because he was using it as the control panel of his rocket ship. oh the horror.
I know what you mean. My 2 year old daughter loves to play with my guitars, amps, and PEDALS!! Oh man, she loves stepping on the pedals. Not for the effect but to see the light go on and off. She's better with one of my guitars on a stand now but she usually takes it off, hands it to me so she can use the stand as her quot;microphonequot;.
Where I live it's too dry to have any instrument exposed for very long, so everything I own is in a case or gig bag.
I usually keep my guitars in their cases. I don't know why. Sometimes I might leave my Strat out on it's stand, but my acoustic always stays in its case.
Am I to understand that they actually make cases for guitars?!
I used to be that way, but since the baby was born all of my guitars live in their cases. Now, the situation is: the hardest case to get to = the least-played guitar LOL.
Nope, my guitar always sits on its stand.
I keep mine its case.
It depends on the condition... I play my Charvel M6 all the time, but it's never sat on a stand EVER. It's also dead mint, better than most stuff in shops. My quot;beatersquot; get leaned up in corners or whatever, though
I have a 2 yr old daughter, cases and gig bags are essential!, although it is a pain the ass getting them out all the time, but it's better than what could happen...
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 20:57
Guitar in case=unplayed guitar...anyone else?