
Wich three strat pickups make the perfect strat sound? Like the most versitile and awesome sounding

There are calibrated sets out from Duncan for Strats right? Isn't there one called the Everything Axe? My guess is that would do it right there. But it depends on each person's definition of an quot;awesome soundingquot; set.

Metalman, there are currently two( 2) sets of matched S-S-S sets offerd by duncan.
(copy and pasted from the sd site)
- Vintage Blues™ Set – is made up of a pair of calibrated SH-1 ’59 Model pickups for the neck and bridge positions. This set is based on the vintage P.A.F. humbuckers of the late ‘50s and is perfect for blues, jazz, and classic rock.- Everything Axe™ Set – combines an SJBJ-1b JB Jr. for the bridge position with an SDBR-1n Duckbucker and SL59-1n Little ’59 for the middle and neck positions. This is an extremely versatile set that will coax everything from vintage to heavy tones from a Stratocaster. It works with all musical styles, and each of the pickups is hum canceling.

I would think the everything axe set would be the most versitle(especially with that crazy wiring ArtieToo has for one of his s-s-s guitars applied to it).

Versatility, and quot;awesomenessquot; might be different forks in the road. An quot;Everything Axequot; would be very versatile, but might sacrifice the quot;Ultimate Strat Tonequot;. For some, it might be a Surfer set. For me, it would be 3 Cool Rails, with the ability to have all three on at once.


For a tried and true vintage quot;what a strat is supposed to sound likequot; tone, Go for the Antiquity Surfers!

But. Artie has a good point also, it depends on what exactly you are after!

Depends how you want your strat to a sound... do you want it to sound like a strat with an option to have 2 singles in series like a humbucker, or do you want buckers with an option for splitting?

Rio Grande's Dual calibrated Strat set.

Kills all, BY FAR.

Hell, its making me have second thoughts about going SSS or HSS, when i buy a strat sometime soon.

I love my APS'. They are very quacky, but smoother and more low mids. My strat has APS' in neck and middle, with a custom shop A2 wound to 9.9K.

Similiar but with a twang injection would be APS' for neck and middle, and a Twangbanger for bridge.

For the most classic glassy strat tone in new pups go with the Vintage SSL-1. The California 50's set.

Antiquites are awesome sounding pickups that sound like they've been played everyday for 30-50 years. Lots of folks consider them the be all end all of strat pups.


My strat has to sound super straty, so I need single coils in the neck and middle. The bridge position can be something different. I've decide SSL-1 and a 59 are the best combo for me, though I think I'd like surfers better in the neck and middle. The bridge might go twangbanger at some point.

Versatility is great, but I also need the tone I want to hear from an axe. Over the years I've decided to lower versatily as a priority over getting the exact sound. My versatility comes from having multiple guitars. That said, I try to make them as versatile as I can.


I think its better to make a strat sound like a strat, and if you want a double hummer guitar (hahahahaha) just get a different pickguard for your strat and put buckers in it.Its a strat, its a go-go-gadget guitar, you can do anything to it.

Originally Posted by msawitzkeVersatility is great, but I also need the tone I want to hear from an axe. Over the years I've decided to lower versatily as a priority over getting the exact sound. My versatility comes from having multiple guitars. That said, I try to make them as versatile as I can.


That's cool. I too have decided that over the past year or so.

I really wanted Hot Rails in the bridge of my Strat, but I really didn't want to live with those horrible muddy cleans that Hot Rails get, so then I thought JB Jr, but they sound thin under distortion, so not those either. The obvious solution is to buy more Strats, and have every pup combination under the freakin sun.

On-topic... the thing I would probably go for if I had to get as much as I could out of one Strat, would probably be a Cool Rails neck, JB Jr middle and Hot Rails bridge.

Originally Posted by RobbiedbeeOn-topic... the thing I would probably go for if I had to get as much as I could out of one Strat, would probably be a Cool Rails neck, JB Jr middle and Hot Rails bridge.

Don't discount the Cool Rails bridge. Good spank, punch, chime, jangle and cleans. If I ever decide to swap more pups into my Strat, the CR bridge is the one that will stay.

Originally Posted by ArtieToo, with the ability to have all three on at once.

exactly what I ment by that 'crazy wiring ArtieToo has for one of his s-s-s guitars' wiring

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25exactly what I ment by that 'crazy wiring ArtieToo has for one of his s-s-s guitars' wiring
I love that sound.

IMO the Ultimate Strat Pickup set could never include even a single humbucker. I don't wanna get anyone all wound up or knock humbucker strats but if the quot;Ultimate Strat Pickup Setquot; can have humbuckers than by that principle the quot;Ultimate LP PU Setquot; could have one low power lipstick single coil in the middle position and nothing else. Hell my number one guitar is a fender strat thats hss with s-1 switching but i would never call it a tradtional strat as far as the electronics are concerned...It's all preference and I can't agree more with Artie on this one...if you want *the ultimate pickup set for strat-style guitars* then go nuts with whatever you want but for me...a real strat (electronics wise) is three single coils with a 3 or 5 way switch, one master volume and two tones.

Is that my preference? Hell no! Does that mean that people playing a humbucker equipped strat arent playing a real strat? Hell no! But the quot;Ultimate Strat Pickup Setquot; to me refers to a traditional strat. The quot;most versatile strat pickup setquot; could easily be whatever mix anyone could ever think of.

Originally Posted by msawitzkeMy strat has to sound super straty, so I need single coils in the neck and middle. The bridge position can be something different. I've decide SSL-1 and a 59 are the best combo for me, though I think I'd like surfers better in the neck and middle. The bridge might go twangbanger at some point.

Versatility is great, but I also need the tone I want to hear from an axe. Over the years I've decided to lower versatily as a priority over getting the exact sound. My versatility comes from having multiple guitars. That said, I try to make them as versatile as I can.


The Twangbanger is the best strat bridge pup I have used. Give it serious condideration, I replaced the full size '59 in my strat with a TB and haven't looked back.

For me it would be the Antiquity Surfers or SSL-1's for the neck and middle and an Antiquity Surfer Custom bridge, Texas Hot Custom bridge or Twangbanger for the bridge.

Kinman makes some killer noiseless strat pickups as well. The woodstock model is just amazing.

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