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Hi all,

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I've searched this forum and other places for info on equipment for recording. I'm about to buy a new home-office PC and think an external USB powered gizmo makes more sense than an upgraded sound card, especially since I may use a laptop sometimes too.

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looking for a boss ds-1, if possible one that has already been modded, pm me with any offers. i'm open to other pedals too, either distortion, overdrive, or delay, let me know i you're selling something less than around $80 max, thanks.

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I'm running a Line 6 SpiderII combo into a Behringer BG412F Ultrastack at the moment(I don't have a true head yet) and noticed that the Spider has two speaker outputs on the back of it. I've found that running a speaker cable from either of these outputs into the input on the cab cuts power to either the left or right speaker. The cabinet itself has a switch to run in mono(16ohms) or stereo (8ohms). Below each speaker output on the Spider it says Right(8ohms) or Left(8ohms). I was wondering if this is going to cause any problems as far as sound coming through the cab, do I need a special type of speaker cable(one that has two 1/4quot; jacks into a single 1/4quot; jack) to get the best sound of the cabinet. I'm currently at my apartment with the cab and combo so I can't crank it up to make sure it's coming out of both sides of the cabinet until later this week when I move everything to the practice space. Also what is the difference between running a cab/head in mono or stereo, I understand the idea behind the ohms but as far as sound goes what is the difference. It will be a few months until I can save up enough for a head so I have to run with this setup as is for the time being. Any help that anyone can give me would be much appreciated!

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For an amplifier without EQ, just a tone knob.
My friend has a Roland microcube. She wants more control of her EQ (specifically more mids to help with pinch harmonics (see thread in the pickup lounge if you wish).

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well, after getting over the giddyness of a new guitar, i noticed a couple shortcommings - too much mids, not enough bass, not enough highs, and it sounds real...honkey. It's a nashville with a rosewood fretboard, but I'm thinkin i only wanna run 2 pickups

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Hi, my first post here...

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Jackson or ESP ??? who makes better guitars?? why??

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Is it easier to choose pickups for an all mahogany guitar than for something like a Les Paul with the mahogany/maple combo? The Les Paul wood combination seems like it would be hard to choose pickups for since it has both warm and bright-sounding wood.

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Hey guys im new here. I have a question I have already sent my guitar to the shop its a ESP/LTD ec-100 (similar to a ec-50) the wood on the guitar is agathis . The guitar had Duncan Design they sounded really good but wanted to upgrade to some quot;realquot; seymour duncans. I chose the SH4-JB(bridge) and SH2-Jazz(neck) combination for this guitar. Im just wondering what you guys think about Agathis wood with these pickups? I heard that the jb are really bright?

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hey guys i have a duncan SP90-3b bridge soapbar and a V-amp2 on ebay with a couple days left

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I know this sounds totally silly, but I've got 4 Duncan nickel covers and want them to have the antiquity look. Will they get that old tarnished look by being exposed to moisture, or could they rust? I got the bright idea of putting them on my shower window sill for about a month.

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Ok, The current pups on my Les Paul don't seem to have a ground wire, but I'm thinking about putting in the CC I have (then possibly magnet swapping again). The problem is that the CC has a ground and the pup that's in there does not. So, I don't know what to solder the ground to. Anyone know?

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Which combo do you think could get the full out of my JB/Jazz pickups? I hope you understand my question.

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I need some advice about the pickups i should chose,
But first, i don't even know if its worth the money of putting new pickups in my guitar, its a Ibanez GSA60, indeed not the greatest guitar(understatement).

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What a bunch of morons. In the newest musicians friend, the new Steve Morse model is labeled the Steve Morris model.

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My Strat's ground is wired to the trem claw, which makes sense. My question is: where does the ground wire go on a hardtail Strat?

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As you all know by now, I do not have much money.

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Hey does anyone own a Dean V? or has anyone played one? good? bad?

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