
from : localhost/

I quit... that made me hate guitars!!!

If I ever see a person playing one of those, I will kill them.

But I don't think I have to worry, because I don't see anyone ever playing one any time soon.

Originally Posted by RobbiedbeeIf I ever see a person playing one of those, I will kill them.

But I don't think I have to worry, because I don't see anyone ever playing one any time soon.

Here's a start, LOL

from : localhost/

just goes to show that if it looks like crap and sounds like ass, stick an EMG in it and your good to go
Gibson really needs better QC if they let those things off the line

The first time I saw those I **** my pants...there was one in a local store. guess what. It aint there anymore.

talk abt upper neck access due to body shape.

And It Comes With Emg Pickups!!!!!

Originally Posted by Tux789just goes to show that if it looks like crap and sounds like ass, stick an EMG in it and your good to go

i think this is relevent to the above post

Wonder what motor is in this baby. Just ride yer ax to and from gigs, lol.

I Want One!!!

I wander how big the crap tank is??

Is it me or does it lack the controls?


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