So I'm picking up some extra hum and hiss from my cables coupling my effects into my amp. Can someone reccomend a super quiet, high quality instrument cable?
I've heard only good things about planet waves. If you switch guitars alot and don't like that hiss you get when you're not plugged in, I would then reccomend a planet waves circuit breaker cable.
get a cheap wireless, systems like the dB Guitarbug with pocket diversity Reciever are small enough to be kept in a case as a cable would
I like using pro co cables. I don't seem to get much noise from them.
Planet waves are good - very durable.
I use both Planet Waves and Mogami gold cables. I find the PW to be nearly indestructable while the Mogamis are slightly clearer sounding.
If they still make them.... Spectraflex are good and have the cloth cover for that vintage look.
I've always hated cloth covered cables. First, they tangle really easily. Second, and almost as annoying- if they get wet (spilled beer etc) it takes them a long time to dry.
I have some 10 year old Conquest cables with Switchcraft ends. I've ridden those cables hard and put them away wet, but they're still quiet and they're completely free of problems.
Surprisingly, Monster hasn't come up yet, but I'll be the first...
Monsters are completely overpriced, loud, and the company has a lousy sense of business ethics.
I have 3 Monster cables- just because they're that expensive- they should be that good, right? The cheaper of the 3 is the thinner of the 3 and it's the least noisy of the three. It was still over 30 for a 21' cable...
The only thing that can be remotely considered for buying Monster is the return policy.
George L I think has the best quality to price ratio.
I have been through over a dozen different brands of cables and I always come back to George L's...they sound great, they come in any length you want, they repair quickly and easily (this has saved my life several times when there was 30 seconds before we started playing!) and they really don't cost that much...
Monster Studio Pro 1000
Planet Waves.
Zaolla Silverlines
i love the dimarzio cables. they dont color my sound and are quiet. i own the planet waves cable with the banana compression springs. its a good quiet cable, but it kinks alot. i find that the cloth covered dimarzio cable kinks far less, and the red cloth looks kick ass with my lp. i also feel they are a great value.
I use a Livewire. It sounds great and is very quiet.
Lord Valve... Neutrik or Switchcraft plugs, your choice.
I use GeorgeL's on my pedalboard and Bayou cables for the longer runs. Excellent quality (Canare cable, Switchcraft or Neutrik plugs) for a great price. I think I paid $20-25 for an 18 footer.
i use monster jazz and a studio 1000
a few years ago i tried every cable guitar center had. the monster jazz was the best sounding cable. yes its silly to pay $60 for a cable (the 12' studio 1000 was $100) but as long as you dont lose it, you only need to do it once and i really did notice a difference. they didnt have the studio cable when i did the test and i got that from a friend of mine.
I use GeorgeL 20' and a monster cable 3'
I useed George L's to wire my pedalboards. They are really easy to work with. Basically cut the cable to the desired length and screw the ends on. They come in 2 thickness. .225 amp; .155. The thinner cable is recommended for connecting and wiring pedalboards. The heavier cables are recommended for connecting Amps to boards and guitars to pedals. They have eliminated ALL the interference I was getting with some of the lesser quality cables.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Reccomend good cable