I was installing a new set of hums in my LP (59 amp; C5) and ran into huge problems.
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- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Confused.....need help.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
dimebucker blades
The specs page says the dime uses stainless steel blades. But stainless is non-magnetic from what I understand. How is the mags field transferred to the strings?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Wanted : EMG81Bridge/EMG 60 Neck soundclips.
Hails guys.
this is a VERY Simple Request.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Gorgeous Wolfgang Standard 4 Sale
Black, with amazing birdseye neck. $885. Patent Pending early model, collectors item. Set up for 10's, plays wonderfully. I am a LP man though.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
The Death of Piezo quot;Quackquot; on Acousic Guitars?
You may know by now that we have a sister company called D-TAR, which unites with Rick Turner. The flagship product for D-TAR is a 32-bit digital acoustic guitar preamp called Mama Bear. The idea is that if you take the pickup's signal into the digital world, you can remove the offensive qualities of the pickup and then add back in the string and body resonance of a real, recorded, acoustic guitar.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Have I wired my Twangbanger wrong?
A couple of nights ago I fitted my new Twangbanger (well 2nd hand..), and I noticed that the black and white wires on the pickup were opposite to the SSL-1's already fitted to my Legacy. I soldered the black to earth and the white to the switch, on the same points that the original bridge pup had occupied. I finally got a chance to try it tonight, admittedly through headphones, and although it sounds fine on its own, when in pos'n 4 (ie with middle pup) it sounds very thin. Everything else is ok, if a tad noisy. I suspect the noise may be down to my attempt at sheilding the route not being entirely successful.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Low priced overdrive pedals
I'm a bassplayer so i haven't tried any pedal on guitar but what low priced OD pedals do you like stock?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
JB in a alder strat maple board...what can I expect???????
Heaven perhaps?
Ive swapped out my super distortion for a JB but i have to get a saddle today so Im unable to try it yet.......Im also tapping one coil.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Putting Vibrato on Bent Notes...
I was just wondering if any of you players had some advice on putting vibrato on bent notes? Whenever I do it I just succeed in sounding like I cannot bend to pitch.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Anyone owning the Custom 5?
Hey guys... does anyone here own the custom 5 and could tell me about it? Like.. how'e the clean and distortion sounds 'n' stuff...
Best if you knew how its like in an alder strat
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Custom Tele
This is looking to be my latest addition, what do you guys think?
looks cool but i think it will sound a lot like a strat. Hopefully that is what you are going for. I like it
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Duoverb HD landed, wow!!!
What a great sounding head, I haven't found anything I don't like about it yet. I am sure I will find some quirks only had a brief blast but the sounds were very good and fairly authentic to my ears.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
brad gillis of night ranger
anybody know what pickups brad gillis of night ranger uses ? i know he is using seymour duncans and i know the neck is an old hot stack i just don't know what he uses for a bridge humbucker to get those screamin harmonics and crazy sustain ! and crunchy rhythm tone he has now ! i know he was using a PJ MAXX back in the day but now he has a duncan humbucker of some kind ?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Magnet type?
Can anyone tell me how to identify a magnet from a humbucker? I took one out of an old Jackson stock pickup and want to know how I can tell if it is ceramic or not.I want to swap a ceramic into a Custom 5 to make it a Custom.My email addy is swpea517@optonline.net if you could email the answer to me.Thanks a million!
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Name This Vibe
hey guys, check this out, let me know what you think, its not quite finished, I still need to add a bass solo
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Buying before playing??
Fellow forum dudes,
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Big thumbs up for Vintage Mini Hum in the Tele
One of the things that came with my Warmoth order was a Tele pickguard cut for a mini hum in the neck. This meant I was finally able to install my SD Vintage Mini Humbucker in the Canadacaster (my red and white MIJ Tele Custom).
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Heres something a little quot;Juiceyquot; :)
Hey all, been playing a lot of Vai lately so covered this one and thought i'd share. So heres my attempt at one of my favorite Steve Vai tunes. Cheers for listening! It offers a great test round for the JB too
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Splitable Pickups
I heard that recently a pickup manufacturer made and makes Splitable Humbuckers that sound, when set to one coil, a lot like a Strat single coil. Something about the way they wrapped the pickup. Does anyone know anything about this regardless of it's manufacturer?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Eric Clapton Strat 2001 Blackie
For sale, a really nice Eric Clapton Blackie strat.
it has a few little nicks and dings but this thing is GREAT player.