What a great sounding head, I haven't found anything I don't like about it yet. I am sure I will find some quirks only had a brief blast but the sounds were very good and fairly authentic to my ears.
Just running into my 2x12 Bassman with Greenies right now, 4x12's on the way.
Who makes the Duoverb head Wattage, hope that isn't too stupid of a question? I assume it's tube? Glad you like it though.....give me more details!
the Duoverb is a digital Line 6 head. Scott...where is a mini review! I have a POD, and IMO it's pretty impressive, I think that head is the way to go...tell us more.
I'll write a review later. I am going through lots of settings right now. The Line6 Clean is fantastic!!!!!!!! All I have used so far is my P-90 Special. Man I am re-thinking selling my Bassman bottom again, it is a hell of a match with the Greenbacks!
The Plexi's mixed together was making my chest buckle!!!
Originally Posted by WattageI'll write a review later. I am going through lots of settings right now. The Line6 Clean is fantastic!!!!!!!! All I have used so far is my P-90 Special. Man I am re-thinking selling my Bassman bottom again, it is a hell of a match with the Greenbacks!
The Plexi's mixed together was making my chest buckle!!!sweet...congrats on the new amp...Im sure it will make the up comming shows a lot easier!!!
Make sure your guitars don't throttle you with their straps in your sleep ...
record clips if you can, I might snag one on ebay sometime. I was looking at those a few months ago.
Well I hope it makes it easier! I have never had this many tones out of a stage amp before!!!! I love the Blackface setting, best modeled Fender sound I have heard yet. I haven't even touched the heavier settings yet, it just is so much fun, hope it doesn't wear off!
The GA18 is killer too damn! The Tweed 410 was so-so but that is really the only let down so far and I am sure if I tweak a bit more it'll come around..
Originally Posted by WattageThe Tweed 410 was so-so but that is really the only let down so far and I am sure if I tweak a bit more it'll come around..
I suspected that'd be the case ... that the only patch on my Flextone that I really never figured out how to get it to sound good
Out of curiousity, if you have the manual, does it say what specific model the 410 Tweed is based on? My Flex was based on a '59 Bassman, which I presume is the same in your case
Originally Posted by WattageWell I hope it makes it easier! I have never had this many tones out of a stage amp before!!!! I love the Blackface setting, best modeled Fender sound I have heard yet. I haven't even touched the heavier settings yet, it just is so much fun, hope it doesn't wear off!
The GA18 is killer too damn! The Tweed 410 was so-so but that is really the only let down so far and I am sure if I tweak a bit more it'll come around..It's funny you say that...the Tweed Bassman setting on my POD is the worst sounding setting it has!
.58 Bassman
Funny thing is it is going into a 63 Bassman bottom!!!!!
Granted it is 2x12 and they are Greenbacks but still you think they're be some connection? j/k Most of the models are really good, the other I have found to be great for blending but sounds so-so is the Zen which is the Budda Twinmaster. I only played through a Budda one time so I have no real basis for it but on it's own it does nothing for me so far.
The really cool thing and what really sold me on it is the channel blend. I am getting some great blended tones. Soldano/JTM mix amp; JCM 800/Zen blends are great!
Well it's pretty interesteing so far. I don't think this is going to full time replace a good tube head but I have come up with some pretty good sounds at the moment. The amp models don't sound so hot cranked up on their own individually or in split mode but the blended mode makes some of the models really come to life. A thing I find weird is that the lower output pickups don't sound as good as the high output pickups? Weird? With all my other amps it is the other way around. The Duoverb models inital sag pretty well but it doesn't quite capture what happens after, it doesn't breathe right if that makes sense, no grime either.
This will make a good travel head but it will be the back up for local gigs I am guessing at the moment. Not bad at all and it's only at full volume I am noticing the short comings so far. I am not so used to the 4x12 cabs I have either really so I need to use something I am familiar with into them to see where their strengths are, that may help me dial in a little better too..
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Duoverb HD landed, wow!!!