
Can anyone tell me how to identify a magnet from a humbucker? I took one out of an old Jackson stock pickup and want to know how I can tell if it is ceramic or not.I want to swap a ceramic into a Custom 5 to make it a Custom.My email addy is if you could email the answer to me.Thanks a million!

email sent and here is a copy

alnico II,III,4, and 5 all look alike so they are real hard to discern from one another, but you said it came out of a jackson?
well jackson only used alnico 5 and cermaic
alnico 5 is silver looking and ceramic is blackish
here is a pic of of ceramic and alnico 5 it is more than likley a ceramic out of a jackson pup

Sometimes you can tell Alnico 3 amp; 4 from the others because they are duller and have a smoother texture than 2 and 5. At least that's the case with mine. 2 and 5 seem to be shinier and have deeper grind marks. Maybe this is because the alloy is such that they have to use a different grinding technique.

Alnico 3 has no cobalt in it, and since cobalt is pretty blue but the copper is still there in A3, it seems to have an ever so slight hint of red in it that the others don't have.

I think Wicked Lester answered my question perfectly because the magnet I have is very dark ,almost black.I'm betting on ceramic.Oh ,and I made sure to mark the polarity when I took it out of the Jackson pickup.

Ceramics are also very light, probably not even half the weight of Alnicos of the same size.

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