
I was just wondering if any of you players had some advice on putting vibrato on bent notes? Whenever I do it I just succeed in sounding like I cannot bend to pitch.

The only tip i think i can give is, when doing this try to have your fingers roughly parallel to the fretboard, or so that your fingernails are pointing away from the guitar. This should give you more strength to hold the pitch better.
Also, its best to use your 3rd finger, but u probably already knew that.

Hope that helps a little.

I used to have the same problem but then I realized I was playing 13's. I'm down to 11's and still can't do that...I'm doing 10's next. I've discovered playing heavy strings is good if you like playing SRV stuff exclusively...or if you want to improve your hand strength and hence your ability to bend and vibrato perfectly with thin strings. Other than that, they just plain kept me from being able to play. Moral of the bigger strings for awhile to learn how to get the most efficient and powerful technique for bending and vibratoing (word?) and then apply that on the regular strings.

i found that was the first cool thing i can do. it just requires alot of finger strength and control. i used to practice bending way too far. like whole and a half step bends. these would improve my finger strength. id do like 20 huge bends in a row or however many until my hands were cramping. idk if this is a good idea, lol, but it worked for me. id then work on always getting my whole step bends to the proper intonation. now that my finger strength was up i sort of was just naturally able to do the vibrato. its always fun because your vibrato is always improving, and theres so many different ways to do it.

I do it all of the time. I stretch the string down and separate my palm from the guitar neck.. so only my stretching finger is touching the neck at that point.. then I vibrate my forearm, pivoting from my elbow.

Does that make any sense at all?

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