Can I create a shortcut to a sheet? I have a multi sheet book, can I create a
desktop shortcut to open a particular sheet?

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Hello all!
I need help on writing a CountIF statement for the following: I want a total

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have a BIG list of text dates I need converted to date format.
You cannot use =date(A1)

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I use the count function to total the number of ‘H’s = (Hired) employees

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hi - hope someone can help!
i've got 5 cells in a row - i want to be able to input a number ( 1 to

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I have a survey which has some text answers and some numerical answers. I
need to complete histogram and descriptive statistics on this data but I get

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I'm a liitle confused about the difference between quot;regularquot; formulas and
array formulas. For example, I'm using quot;SUMPRODUCTquot; with 2 criteria to sum

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I want to format a group of adjacent cells to wrap text. I am highlighting
the cells and then using alignment/wrap text. This does not work so I am

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Y would like to put several lines in a cell and I cannot use the return key
for that. I need to insert a line feed per line. I remember I did but I

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