i have an apple laptop, and i'm trying to use the 'freeze panes' feature on a
spreadsheet. for some reason, when i go to window, the freeze pane option is
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
freeze panes?
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Formula for top n
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
IF formula
Is there any way to show the results of an IF formula in a seperate cell. So
the formula is in A1 but I want to show the results in D3?
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Convert 010105 mmddyy text to 01/01/06
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Counting occurrences over range of sheets
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Shared workbooks
I have made a file containing 10 excel workbooks. I have made them shared
access. When the others open the file, they can only see 1 of the workbooks.
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Advanced Filter/Extracting Data
If I have a master list of 800 accounts and a smaller list of 200 accounts,
how would I go about extracting the data from Spreadsheet A to Spreadsheet B
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Exceptions to =Countblank function
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
Skipping line on control break
Is there a way to cause a blank row inserted when there is a break in the
value of one of the columns the document is sorted on
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 20:44
when i input (=r3*s3) the answer is not correct?
the answer comes up being short. For example 2*2 should be 4 but it totals
it at 3.Hi