I make formula linking the cell of different worksheet to one single data
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
How do I dsiplay changes in my cell
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
query for work help! showing final result
Hi all
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
my sheet is set up this way:
no# date name
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Duplicating cell value between worksheets
A simple question by example. Say I have a value in ws1, cell a31, of 345.
I would like whatever the value of that cell to also be shown in ws 2, cell
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Add comments into email body using VBA
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Footer Defaults
Is there a way to change the default number of charaters in the footer from
255? I have to format my footers a certain way and insert a graphic file,
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Sharing Data Between Worksheets
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
I'd like to be able to represent a limit level across a series of results
either using one gridine or any other suggestions. The way I am doing it at
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Command Button Assignment
Some bit of configuration evidently changed in my Excel97 that I'm having
difficulty tracking down. Up to now I've had it set up so that the control
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
How do i not plot values as zero?
I am trying to create a running chart whereby information is added daily.
The information, as added, is run though a formula and is added to the chart.