taking a group of payments in column A, my smallest monthly payment is 10.28.
For some reason it is not coming up correctly. How do I set this funciton up

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Perfect! Thanks Kevin!

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I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will populate percentages when a
user selects which option they want from a validation list. To be more

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Hello All,

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Hi All,

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I need to allow my users to select a text string from a drop downlist box.
However each of the three possible text strings in the drop down box equates

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I am trying to figure out a function for interest only payments. If it is a
$10,000 loan for 30 years with a 5% interest rate, what function should I use

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I've created an attendance sheet and want to place the letter quot;aquot; on days
employees are absent...How do I get the sheet to count the number of quot;a'squot; in

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I am using the following formula to look up a value (in column A) that has
multiple corresponding values in column B. However, when I insert an

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