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Hi all!

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I just got back working on my website. Its taken a long time to finish but I am getting there.
I got great web hosting at www.domainnamefree.net where I got a free .com name and a good site builder. Im going to keep working on it ill let you all know how im doing.

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what does it means. Example D$7 in cell?
It is a funcionThe quot;$quot;, read quot;stringquot; in the days of Basic programming, tells excel to hold

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looking for a free online (or template) that can generate a full amortization
schedule when one variable (usually the interest rate) is unknown. I've

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When double clicking on the *edge* of a selected cell, Excel will warp to a
new cell. The best I can tell is it's the cell adjacent to the next non-empty

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Hi, I am trying to write a formula within the conditional formatting

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I need to know how to add hours and minutes, and get the sum to be displayed in hours and minutes, rather than days.

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I use ms Excel for my invoices. I service about 10 different zip codes. I
want to be able to enter the zip code in one field and have excell

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I am receiving the #N/A error when trying to run a vlookup. I have run

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Just wanted to number my pages....and start from a number OTHER than (1)

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I am running the macro on this spreadsheet and it runs and never stops.

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I have a spread sheet that has 13 weeks of information in it. Every Friday I
need to delete the past week, move the remaining information over to the

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I would like to create a broken gap in the x axis of xy (scatter) chart in
order to reduce the portion of unused data in the chart along the x axis.

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I have several worksheets with pivot tables that look alike. When setting
them up I generally have 5 levels of criteria to subtotal. On one of them I

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I have an excell file with several worksheets... the First worksheet is
titled quot;Notesquot; and incluedes a row for each day worked. Each row (record) in

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I am trying to set up spreadsheet where I can select a range, by date, from a
couple DTPicker activeX controls, and then sum up some values corresponding

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Hi all-

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When I autofit rows, they take a height that exactly accomodates the

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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to import and autocad .dwg file into

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