目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Running Windows XP Pro SP2 and Office 2003 Pro SP2. I have an Access
database table with a field using the hyperlink data type. I want to export

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I need to make a hyperlink year independant, I want to concatenate a string,
place it in a cell and access that from VBA. I thought this instruction might

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Hi, on a large Spreadsheet, with Data added daily, I would like the last

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I've used Jim Rech's autofit macro for merged cells. It works great. Thanks!

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I have 9 reference worksheets each titled by number and one summary

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I am Using Excel for my Billing Purposes, i want that excel print the amount

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Hi all.

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I'm trying have a large text field in an excel file. After about 10 - 12
lines the text no longer wraps. My Excel book said each cell holds about

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It seems like a trivial thing, but I seem to be unable to locate a worksheet

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how can I change the fail format easily

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We want Excel to default the File, Print, Print What to be Selection instead
of Active Sheet. Can this be done?

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This has never been a problem for me, but have recently changed jobs,

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I have an order form. Users check a box next to an item and it copies the
item to another page (the form). I want them to be able to uncheck the box

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IncExcel, how do I create multiple columns within one column? I have a block
of rows within one column and I need to create at least two columns. Is it

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Hope someone can help with this function query I have:

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I am trying to extract only partial information from a cell that contains
mutliple entries without seperator. Ie I want to get 3rd reference from

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