目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

For some reason in parts of my spreadsheet when I type a formula in a cell
and save it, the formula text will save and show in the cell, but the actual

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Is there a formula to round numbers to the nearest quarter?

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I am trying to find a formula to enter all data daily into column A and have it placed into specific locations I am working on a large sheet and trying to save time. Is there a function to do this?

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Can I use an IF statement (or anything else) so that the answer to a question
in one cell dtermines the colout of ANOTHER cell?

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When I call the function Dir(quot;Q:\quot;) and Q:\ is a network mapped drive does
it fail (return quot;quot;) if it does not receive a reply within a certain

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MS Excel 2003 SP2

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Hi all,

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I have several seperate excel files where people enter a specific date

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I want to disable refresh options while working in PIVOt table since it is
disturing my own format while refreshing or adding my data... pl. advise...

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Hi !

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I have a spreadsheet where each row contains data for an employee. I want to
be able to create one page forms for each employee without having to show the

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Is it possible to hide just one of the subtotals in a pivot table? I want to
see the subtotals for my Number of customers, Quantity, and Amount. But I do

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when i go to quot;save asquot; it just shows an hour glass and freezes
does any one know whats wrong???i can not do any work because i need to save

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Hi there
I have done the following to create a generic payroll system for our other

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If I want to apply a macro to all sheets except for a certain sheet, say

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To all those VBA experts out there, I've written a simple macro in
VBA. The purpose is to alert the user if they encounter a value that

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I am stuck. I am trying to use the quot;SUMIFquot; function in conjunjunction

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I want to play background music by using a macro in which also other commands
(next steps) are included. However the next step of the macro only starts

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