目前分類:title (4957)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Hi everybody, I created a spreadsheet (Office XP) with all my music
collection and it includes the time for every tracks. I just can't find the

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I would like to be able to setup an Auto Shape with text and color, which I
can do fine. Next, I want to beable to use the Auto Shape on my website. If

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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to do any of the following:
1) change the colour of a comment indicator

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has anybody got a ready made template that I can use for my annual accounts I
am a self employed taxi driver.

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I have two sheets. Sheet1 has multiple lines of data. Based on criteria
chosen in sheet2, I need to display in sheet2 all of the rows of data that

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Thanks for help with this...

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i can figure out how to change one cell to upper case but i hjave to change
the whole document within excel into uppercase.

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I use this formula:

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I need a little help with drop down boxes. I am working with baseball

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Hi.Can anybody help me to solve this problem with hlookup function?

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I am cleaning excel sheets for import into another program which needs dates
in one line eg 30/03/2006. Some of the worksheets I have contain date fields

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Im trying to do a simple fomula, to add a lunch time to a monthly stat if
they have done more than 6 hours

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....that I can put in an IF formula?
I have a chart with age bands (i.e 20-24, 25-29, 30-35, etc. and

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I have a large tab delimited file that I am opening in Word, it has two
date cells that are for dates, but they are in format YYYY-MM-DD

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The instructions in excel's help menu don't work.

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I have identified two cells in a table using vlookup amp; hlookup. I want to
sum the cells referred to by the lookups.

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Hi All

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I have made a lot of tabs en secured them. When I want to change something I
have to unsecure the tabs one by one. I would like to secure and unsecure

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