I want to share an excel workbook for all on the network. However I do not
want one worksheet only to be accessed.
The person should be able to access all the other worksheets.
I tried protecting, but people can see the sheet but cant modify. I tried
adding a password, but with this you can either open the excel file or not.
Is this even possible in Excel?
Not quite sure what you are are asking here.
You tiltle reads quot;how do I restrict access to only one worksheet in
excel?quot; key word restrict.
You are then aying that you do not wish for only worksheet to be
accessed and that they should be able to access all worksheets. please
If you want people to access all the workbooks there is a way of making
some cells write enable and protecting others. Is that what you want?
(access to ALL workbooks, but with SOME protected cells so the document
can not be ammended but others can input data in unprotected CELLS--
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32578
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=523874You should be able to hide the worksheet (with the sheet active, Format gt;
Sheet gt;
Hide), the protect the workBOOK. If you like, you can put a password onthe
protection. But realize that there are easy tools out there to crack Excel
passwords, so if the data is truly sensitive, this protection isn't very
secure...quot;Avinashquot; wrote:
gt; I want to share an excel workbook for all on the network. However I do not
gt; want one worksheet only to be accessed.
gt; The person should be able to access all the other worksheets.
gt; I tried protecting, but people can see the sheet but cant modify. I tried
gt; adding a password, but with this you can either open the excel file or not.
gt; Is this even possible in Excel?
Thanks guys
I will try to explain better...
I want password protect a single worksheet( not an entire workbook) from
actually opening? I have a 2 worksheets one of which should open up with a
As you explained, I was awaare of protecting required cells from being
edited, but I was wanting to protect the worksheet from displaying unless a
password is entered.
Hope this makes sense...quot;Obi-Wan Kenobiquot; wrote:
gt; Not quite sure what you are are asking here.
gt; You tiltle reads quot;how do I restrict access to only one worksheet in
gt; excel?quot; key word restrict.
gt; You are then aying that you do not wish for only worksheet to be
gt; accessed and that they should be able to access all worksheets. please
gt; explain?
gt; If you want people to access all the workbooks there is a way of making
gt; some cells write enable and protecting others. Is that what you want?
gt; (access to ALL workbooks, but with SOME protected cells so the document
gt; can not be ammended but others can input data in unprotected CELLS
gt; --
gt; Obi-Wan Kenobi
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Obi-Wan Kenobi's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32578
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=523874
In article gt;, =?Utf-8?B?YnBlbHR6ZXI=?= gt; wrote:
gt;You should be able to hide the worksheet (with the sheet active, Format gt;
gt;Sheet gt;
gt;Hide), the protect the workBOOK. If you like, you can put a password onthe
gt;protection. But realize that there are easy tools out there to crack Excel
gt;passwords, so if the data is truly sensitive, this protection isn't very
Most secure way would be to only send the sheet you want them to see -
delete the other sheet and save it as lt;a different namegt; ... and send them
If there are calculations on that other sheet that are shown in the one you
want them to see ... I don't know.
gt;quot;Avinashquot; wrote:
gt;gt; I want to share an excel workbook for all on the network. However I do not
gt;gt; want one worksheet only to be accessed.
gt;gt; The person should be able to access all the other worksheets.
gt;gt; I tried protecting, but people can see the sheet but cant modify. I tried
gt;gt; adding a password, but with this you can either open the excel file or not.
gt;gt; Is this even possible in Excel?
I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett
Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
(if there were any)
Avinash Wrote:
gt; I want to share an excel workbook for all on the network. However I do
gt; not
gt; want one worksheet only to be accessed.
gt; The person should be able to access all the other worksheets.
gt; I tried protecting, but people can see the sheet but cant modify. I
gt; tried
gt; adding a password, but with this you can either open the excel file or
gt; not.
gt; Is this even possible in Excel?Hi Avinash,
As the previous posters mentioed the best way is, don't include
that sheet with your workbook.
With that said try this:
Password protect the VBA to prevent viewing of your password
Put this into a General Module
Change 'Sheet2' and the password '12345' to suit your needs.
Option Private Module
Sub HideSheet()
Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End Sub
Sub ShowSheet()
Dim sPass
sPass = InputBox(quot;Please input passwordquot;)
If sPass = quot;12345quot; Then
Sheet2.Visible = True
End If
End Sub--
Desert Piranha------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desert Piranha's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=28934
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=523874
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 20:38
how do I restrict access to only one worksheet in excel?