Ok, I have 7 sheets named: joe, kelly, meg, nate, dave, tom, sam
To keep it simple, in cell B2 on each sheet there is either quot;10quot; or
it's blank.
On an 8th sheet I'm trying to determine a formula to use that will
display the person or persons if their cell B2=10
So if meg's B2 has 10 and tom's B2 has 10, while everybody else B2 is
blank; the formula would produce meg amp; tom.
What formula would I use? Please help. Much appreciated for your help!
mrjeep's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=34001
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=537639
=IF(Sheet1!B2=10,quot;Joe = quot;amp;Sheet1!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet2!B2=10,quot; Kelly =
quot;amp;Sheet2!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet3!B2=10,quot; Meg =
quot;amp;Sheet3!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet4!B2=10,quot; Nate =
quot;amp;Sheet4!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet5!B2=10,quot; Dave =
quot;amp;Sheet5!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet6!B2=10,quot; Tom =
quot;amp;Sheet6!B2,quot;quot;)amp;IF(Sheet7!B2=10,quot; Sam = quot;amp;Sheet7!B2,quot;quot;)
You will need to adjust the Sheet names to suit.
mrjeep Wrote:
gt; Ok, I have 7 sheets named: joe, kelly, meg, nate, dave, tom, sam
gt; To keep it simple, in cell B2 on each sheet there is either quot;10quot; or
gt; it's blank.
gt; On an 8th sheet I'm trying to determine a formula to use that will
gt; display the person or persons if their cell B2=10
gt; So if meg's B2 has 10 and tom's B2 has 10, while everybody else B2 is
gt; blank; the formula would produce meg amp; tom.
gt; What formula would I use? Please help. Much appreciated for your help!
gt; Thanks,--
Bryan Hessey
Bryan Hessey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=21059
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=537639
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 20:38