I have a spreadsheet for bonus calculations (see earlier post). There is a
column of cells from 0 to 100% performance figures. We want to start the
bonus at an amount input into a cell, say e4, we also have a starting
performance %age at which this figure will start in say cell e5. Other data
gives us a figure that the bonus payment then increments by for each %age
increase in performance this is in cell e8
%age Bonus e4=33
30 50
31 50
32 50 e8=2.44
33 50
34 52.44
35 54.88
36 57.32
Entering 33 in e4 causes the information in e5 to be forced into cell next
to the cell containing the performance figure of 35% and makes all cell less
than 33 become the same as 33. At the same time all cells above 33 add the
increment from e8 to the preceding cell. If cell e4 was to become 50 the
same would happen and if it was 12 again cells above in the table would
become the same as 12 the rest would incremment by e8.
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 20:38
Forcing data into a cell