I am trying to figure out a way to print only selected portions of a
spreadsheet. The data gets updated weekly and needs to be printed, but
only the items with certain criteria.
The spreadsheet contains all managed properties in rows (there are gt;300
properties), and only the properties with vacancies need to be printed.
Is there some sort of toggle or check box I can put at the beginning or
end of each row to tell Excel to print? Using the control|select with
the mouse is not ideal as there are not too many changes each week.
Sorting is not ideal as there is a header row for each property.
1 property 123 description
2 unit #bedrooms rent available
3 A 2 1000 now
5 property 555 description
6 unit #bedrooms rent available
7 A 2 1000 2/1/06
try using datagt;filtergt;autofilter
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;kcowanquot; gt; wrote in
message ...
gt; I am trying to figure out a way to print only selected portions of a
gt; spreadsheet. The data gets updated weekly and needs to be printed, but
gt; only the items with certain criteria.
gt; The spreadsheet contains all managed properties in rows (there are gt;300
gt; properties), and only the properties with vacancies need to be printed.
gt; Is there some sort of toggle or check box I can put at the beginning or
gt; end of each row to tell Excel to print? Using the control|select with
gt; the mouse is not ideal as there are not too many changes each week.
gt; Sorting is not ideal as there is a header row for each property.
gt; 1 property 123 description
gt; 2 unit #bedrooms rent available
gt; 3 A 2 1000 now
gt; 4
gt; 5 property 555 description
gt; 6 unit #bedrooms rent available
gt; 7 A 2 1000 2/1/06
You could add a column that contains an indicator.
Then select that column and do
You could put X in each cell to indicate that that row should be printed.
Then use the dropdown arrow of the autofilter to show only those rows that have
X in that column.
Ps. I think you'll find your data much easier to work with if you used a single
row per property.kcowan wrote:
gt; I am trying to figure out a way to print only selected portions of a
gt; spreadsheet. The data gets updated weekly and needs to be printed, but
gt; only the items with certain criteria.
gt; The spreadsheet contains all managed properties in rows (there are gt;300
gt; properties), and only the properties with vacancies need to be printed.
gt; Is there some sort of toggle or check box I can put at the beginning or
gt; end of each row to tell Excel to print? Using the control|select with
gt; the mouse is not ideal as there are not too many changes each week.
gt; Sorting is not ideal as there is a header row for each property.
gt; 1 property 123 description
gt; 2 unit #bedrooms rent available
gt; 3 A 2 1000 now
gt; 4
gt; 5 property 555 description
gt; 6 unit #bedrooms rent available
gt; 7 A 2 1000 2/1/06
Dave Peterson
Thank you both. That works perfectly for filtering what I need. Now I
just need to figure out how to include the text description which is a
couple of sentences, and may be for a property with more than one unit
vacant. The report is sent to local rental agencies so we need the
long descriptions.
Thanks for the help and happy new year.
kcowan's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30060
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497389glad to help
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;kcowanquot; gt; wrote in
message ...
gt; Thank you both. That works perfectly for filtering what I need. Now I
gt; just need to figure out how to include the text description which is a
gt; couple of sentences, and may be for a property with more than one unit
gt; vacant. The report is sent to local rental agencies so we need the
gt; long descriptions.
gt; Thanks for the help and happy new year.
gt; Ken
gt; --
gt; kcowan
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; kcowan's Profile:
gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30060
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497389
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 20:38
Help printing selected rows