
I am trying to write a formula or VBscript that will accomplish this
seemingly simple task:

In CELL A I want to enter a value, in this case the price of diesel
fuel per gallon. I then want to compare that value against a table that
contains 3 columns ABC and return a value base on that comparison, for

Current Diesel Price = x

if x is greater than w but less than y return value z. and if thats
false check the next row in the table until true.

the lookup table looks like this

greater than less than charge %
1.00 1.05 14%I need a single line for entry and a single result line, such as:

(user enters this value)
D.O.E. PRICE: 2.654
(formula returns this value)
FSC% 16.50%I need it to look up the value from a table on another sheet formated

DOE Price

at least less than FSC%
2.31 2.32 14.0
2.32 2.33 14.1
2.33 2.34 14.2
2.34 2.35 14.3
2.35 2.36 14.4
2.36 2.37 14.5
2.37 2.38 14.6Thanks for any help.--
mtroute's Profile:;userid=33562
View this thread: you can create a helper column on your sheet with the lookup data,
you can do this:

Assuming entry in Sheet1, A1 and result in Sheet2, A2, with lookup data
in Sheet2 columns A-C and the helper column in D.

In Sheet2, column D enter this next to your first FSC% figu

=IF(AND(Sheet1!$A$1gt;=Sheet2!A1,Sheet1!$A$1lt;Sheet2! B1),Sheet2!C1,0)

Drag that formula down to your last data row.

in Sheet1, A2 enter:


substituting your helper column range for D110.

When you enter a value in A1, the helper column puts zeros in each of
its rows save the one meeting your criteria. The formula in A2 simply
finds the only nonzero value in the range.An addendum: The formula below assumes your first data row is row 1.
If different, the references to Sheet2!A1, Sheet2!B1 and Sheet2!C1
would change (the 1 would change to whichever row number your formula
is being entered into).

=IF(AND(Sheet1!$A$1gt;=Sheet2!A1,Sheet1!$A$1lt;Sheet2! B1),Sheet2!C1,0)

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