
How do I reformat a column of telephone numbers so that all appear the same -
no parenthesis only the ###-###-####. I don't want to have to retype each

If your current numbers are all the same length and all need to be the same
structure try using something like this in an empyty column
=LEFT(A1,3)amp;quot;-quot;amp;MID(A1,4,3)amp;quot;-quot;amp;RIGHT(A1,4) The LEFT function takes the 1st
3, the MID function takes the next 3 starting at character 4 and the RIGHT
function takes the last 4 from the right. The quot;-quot; gives you the separator
Replace A1 with your own cell reference and then copy to all other numbers
Hope this helps


quot;Mareequot; wrote:

gt; How do I reformat a column of telephone numbers so that all appear the same -
gt; no parenthesis only the ###-###-####. I don't want to have to retype each
gt; number.
gt; --
gt; Maree

Hi Maree. You can format the column so that all phone numbers appear as
(123) 456-7890 by selecting the cells, going to format - cells - special and
selecting phone number.
Sincerely, Michael Colvinquot;Mareequot; wrote:

gt; How do I reformat a column of telephone numbers so that all appear the same -
gt; no parenthesis only the ###-###-####. I don't want to have to retype each
gt; number.
gt; --
gt; Maree

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