

Would store / would copy this text or side before the administrator could
remove this letter.

This special program is acquire copyrighting-protected, only with the
participation you the copyrighting at this program. Prohibited utilization
leads to the notice!


In this program, there is really money.

1200.- Euro / dollar and MORE are in only 3 weeks possible with only 5
participants!! Example, you get Euro of 125 people ever 10 = 1250 .-

And that in only 3 weeks!!

The idea behind it is conceivably simple:

Everything what you must do, is to be passed along this letter cost-free.

With lightness, you found have 5 people, that also interest like you, to
earn money. Each of these 5 becomes now further 5 people in that game

Now you will say quot;know I alreadyquot;. INCORRECTLY!! Draw lots further..

Most systems well known me cover many plains (5 or more and offer nothing)
what has decisive disadvantages:

- Very long running times - very many participants - through it high danger,
that itself the system not functions.

But this system necessarily only 3 plains (if each ONLY 5 new participant
bring into the system, not many people, or?)

1St plain - your 5 participants
2nd plain - its 25 participants
3rd plain - its 125 participants

We give now each participant a week time, the third plain is reached in only
3 weeks, what means for you quot;pay dayquot;. Here, you are now out of the game
with 125 x 10 Euros on your
account (1250.- Euro) now it first exciting, draw lots further..

You received now money of approximately 125 people and wait now a month off.

Now you write down these 125 people and start thatgt;gt; systems 2 lt; lt; ( gt;

That you get previously per mail.

These 125 people will join in everyone again because they got now also
already money, and also the gt; SUPER-MONEY-SOURCE lt; have want in order to
earn yet more

Only with the registration / participation receives each participant gt;
SUPER - MONEY - SOURCE lt; and how to use.

Frauds go empty out of!!

You do not start therefore in the first plain with 5 participants, but
rather withgt;gt;gt; 125 participants. Mal..
calculates now.

Further to the concept... What we require now, is a fast and simple
possibility to transfer money, for in the internet, all goes quickly.

We need an quot;internet bankquot;. The solution is PayPal.
PayPal has presently over 78 million customers and offers the certain
transfer of money into 56 countries simply per e-mail address.

1. Open in PayPal a BASIS PREMIUMS - ACCOUNT in order to receive also

click up: , and choose your COUNTRY,

(should that Link not active, would copy it please into your browser)

2. Send 10 Euros at the first e-mail address standing at position 1 per
(In - use - reference - write / select you quot;servicequot;,
in - E-Mail - reference - write you quot;MAIL-LISTquot;).

Position 1 gt;
Position 2 gt;
Position 3 gt;

(You can pay also in dollar or let convert DOLLAR in EURO at Paypal)

3. Copy this letter, open your letter program (editor) and join the letter
there on.

The mail-address behind position 1, back deletes now you now the
mail-address behind
position 2 towards the top and also the mails -address of position 3 around
a place towards the top.
Position 3 is now empty - here carry you your mail-address a (the same like
in PayPal)

IMPORTANT: work exactly at this instructions!! - This system only so can
bring also the desired success.

And to the end yet..
store your updated mail - letter now off. Would send it per E-MAIL or
construct it
into your web page on. Would make this letter for example, through free
classified ads in the network confessed.

Your success stands nothing more in the way, and ....think about now, the 10
Euro always perhaps already soon
100-fold or 1000 - specialty you return, and with the gt; SUPER - MONEY -
SOURCE lt; yet more.

The normal one only talks, talks, talks..., while the rich one DO IT !!!

start also now. Much fun and success

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