I've built a macro to perform some general formatting. The only catch is
that this spreadsheet is an export from a web based application. The headers

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I want to graph the cosine function in the same set of axes as another line
chart I created by giving points. However, I do not wnat to have to input a

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Hey All-

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I know how to set the error bars on a standard line graph. Unfortunately when
I set it the error bars appear the same at every plot. On the data I have the

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I wants to calulate the time difference for log in amp; log out

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When I paste data from for instance a word file in to excel I need to

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I enter in a formula on the worksheet, ex. =sum(2 2), hit the enter key and
in the cell I typed the column remains the formula =sum(2 2) it does not give

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To anyone out there!!!

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I want to use a cell containing a sheetname to dictate the color of the
cell next to it.

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