I want to insert glitter images in my report how can I find them

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I get the above message when printing on excell only - not word.
I can't seem to get around it.

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Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently use
CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the hour

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How can I count the number of blank cells between
the row above and the last nonblank row above, if

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The only available sort sequences I can find in EXCEL are ASCII and some
customized DAY/DATE sorts. I would like to sort in EBCDIC sequence. I tried

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I have a spreadsheet with 2200 names on it, and I would like to create a
folder (on my desktop, or hard drive) for each individual one without

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I know how to create a drop down list but I don't know how to generate a

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How can I make a function that looks for a value on a sheet, on unknown

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I am trying to build a spreadsheet where I can insert the parts list for

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I Designed A Spreadsheet Which Has Today's Date In Column A, Purchased

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