Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently use
CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the hour
glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose all
my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
Fill Down (from the Editgt;Fill menu)
Kind regards,
Niek Otten
quot;CMIConniequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently
gt; use
gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the
gt; hour
gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose
gt; all
gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
Ctrl D means quot;fill downquot;. Excel is apparently expecting to find something
in the cell and fill it down the column.
quot;CMIConniequot; wrote:
gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently use
gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the hour
gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose all
gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
Thank you!
quot;SVCquot; wrote:
gt; Ctrl D means quot;fill downquot;. Excel is apparently expecting to find something
gt; in the cell and fill it down the column.
gt; quot;CMIConniequot; wrote:
gt; gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently use
gt; gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the hour
gt; gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose all
gt; gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
Thank you!
quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt; Fill Down (from the Editgt;Fill menu)
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;CMIConniequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently
gt; gt; use
gt; gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the
gt; gt; hour
gt; gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose
gt; gt; all
gt; gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
enter anything in.. say A1..!
now select a1:a10 or extend upto your wish!
now enter quot;ctrl dquot;
you selection will be filled up with what you have typed in a1! that's
CMIConnie Wrote:
gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently
gt; use
gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the
gt; hour
gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I
gt; loose all
gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone --
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As many have stated, Ctrl d executes the quot;fill downquot; function.
Why this causes your machine to lock-up I don't know.
Since this happens more often than you'd like, you can record a macro (to do
nothing) and assign it the key combination, Ctrl d, overriding the fill down
command. That way, you won't risk freezing Excel.
Of course, you won't have a short cut to fill down anymore... :-)quot;CMIConniequot; wrote:
gt; Can anyone please tell me what CTRL D does in Excel 2000? I frequently use
gt; CTRL F for the find function, but sometimes accidentally hid D and the hour
gt; glass comes up and I eventually have to force Excel to close and I loose all
gt; my changes. Ugh!!! Thank you anyone
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39