After training 4 other quot;techsquot; to lighten my load at work...I'm finally going to concentrate on my own amps....(geez, Scott F got his amps quot;rockingquot; before I did....way to go bro!... )

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Want matched, vintage sounds from neck and bridge for different
jazz styles (traditional and bluesy to Bill Frisell to Scott Henderson).

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hi guys,
my band is on the ballot for best cover band in the hartford advocate...

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Alright, my impatience with slow-learning or no-talent drummers, as well as my need for a drum machine of sorts has finally gotten fairly bad.

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Hey guys my first post/question. I have an Ibanez RG 350 DX that I've had for a while. I never play it because I hate the stock pickups. It is an HSH setup. Can you suggest a pickup mix for me? Here are a few of my favorite bands.

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How many of you players use a Jazz in the neck of your Les Paul or like guitar? I was thinking of a 59 but I have been told that a Jazz would be much better for me. Does it sing under gain. Is it too hi-fi sounding? Give me your thoughts.

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Hey guys, just recorded this tonight! Got some better kick/snare samples, so the drums sound a ton better, and I used some tricks I learned on the Andy Sneap forum for the guitar tracks. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the result! Don't judge the mix too much, I haven't finalized it, nor even mixed the drumtracks or run the guitars through my BBE plugin. I'd really like opinions mostly on the song itself. It's quite a fast piece, 170BPM, in D minor. It's not quite finished, as I need to write more riffs and do some better arrangements, but those riffs that are in there I'm pretty sure are keepers! ESPECIALLY the intro! I really love that riff...

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Still in my search for the (un)holy grail, WFD made me stumble across these two monsters... The Distortion and Custom.
Tightness is required in the bass only. The bass should also be VERY present and clear (as in the FullShred for instance). There should be enough for effortless chugging riffs and to make the overall sound solid and thick, but not as much as to make it muddy in any way. Mids should not be scooped out, but there should be just enough to bring out a lot of thickness. Highs should be there to allow for a slightly bright sound with EQ, but otherwise pretty neutral. They should be smoother than harsh, but harsh enough to perform aggressive leads. Finally, the pickup should be TICK.

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Newbee here so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong spot.
I have been cleaning out my parts boxes and ran accross a SD Model M-D pup that if I remeber correctly I purchased in the late 70s early 80s. Has anyone heard of this pup? I can't find any info on it on the SD site.

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