ok guys i badly need 1 hot pink dimarzio brand strat style volume knob. i've searched high and low with no luck and have tried tons of other brands of pink knobs and none match. only a dimarzio one will work. so, if you have one or know of a small guitar shop in your town that may have one please let me know.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
WTB: hot pink dimarzio brand strat style volume knob...
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Cakewalk Help!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lot of people have been recomending cakewalk for digital home recording and I wondered what version is the best and why.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Changing string gauge on a les paul??
Hi, what changes will i need to make to my Les paul copy if i change to heavier string gauge? thanks i am thinking of going from 9 to 11 or 12 or even 13.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
PATB-1 Original Trembucker....WOW!
Just bought this pickup from annother member, and put it into my Alvarez Dana Scoop. The pickup looks like this for those not famalier, and I'll post a pic of the guitar at the bottom of the post.The PATB-1 replaced the 59TB that had been in this guitar. The Alvarez is a basswood body with either a flamed maple or alder top, not sure which. Very, very light guitar with a licenced Floyd. The 59 was a great pickup in this guitar, but ultimately lacked the thickness and beef that I wanted in the bridge position...especially now that I have been playing Les Pauls so much.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
antiquity P-90s short depth covers??
Hey guys
I was just minutes away from ordering a set of Antiquity P-90's by phone and saw on the spec sheet that the covers are only 0.360quot; high.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
How would a trem affect the tone of my guitar?
I have a les paul custom and i was just wondering how a tremelo system would affect the tone of a les paul?
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Dr. Z Amps
You know, it occurs to me that I've seen virtually nothing here about Dr. Z amps. They're some of the best sounding amps that I've ever played through, and yet I never see them mentioned here. Have any of you guys played through them? If so, what did you think?
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
FS / FT Boss RBF-10 80's rackmount flanger!
i'm finally sorting out my rig into a 'proper one' with a pedalboard etc etc and i've got an awesome flanger that is just not right for me because its a rack unit (or 1/2 rack to be precise), boss RBF10, can only go on top of my amp or in a rack, and i'm putting everything down on the floor so to speak.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
wax potting
K, so i just put together a JB/59 hybrid that I'm gonna test out in my dearmond hollowbody...but during the process of the hybrid-making, I lost an assload of wax. So, now I get to re-wax-pot my pickup.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Boy: I am loving this Matchless SC-30!
I moved into a new place way, way up in the mountains and my Matchless is the only amp I took with me. So I've really gotten to know it alot better over the last couple of weeks. It is tremendous. Stellar clean tones from channel one and the Pentode channel has some of the best overdrive tones I've ever heard...no need for an overdrive pedal at all. And the Master Volume works! Best Master Volume control I've ever used. Gearjoneser recommended it to me and boy was he right. I've had this amp quite a few months now, but my old tweeds and blackface Fenders kept me distracted from really giving the Matchless the attention it deserves. Now that all my other amps are in storage, the Matchless is all I'm using and I can say that it's right up there with the best amps I've ever owned. Really something special. Lew