2nd-The next spreadsheet I would like to display the quot;week of 2-26-06quot; and
have that change as the day does.

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I'm importing data (ASCII format) into Excel. There is a col for time

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I have a spreadsheet linked to life stock market prices.

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how do I add the quot;openquot; to a stock bar chart in Excel?

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I have a very long spreadsheet vertically and horizontally and it took me a
long time to compile. Now I need the info from the colums to be listed in a

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I have a large database I use that has our item numbers and quantities in the
same cell (example: PRODUCTA Q100, and PRODUCTA Q200, etc). It works for me

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In col A, the related data (from quot;Namequot; thru quot;Amountquot;) exists in either
5 or 6 cells.

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Is there any way to convert words to numbers i.e. 'One' to 1, 'five' to

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The EOMonth(start_date,months) formula returns #AD? in a UK Excel version

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